3d-display for 2€
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, I just found some things that I have experimented with one year ago. The idea is so fascinating, but until now, it was not yet as succesful as I had dreamed...
The idea was to place a grid in front of the screen, that shows only every second column of pixels to each eye. This principle is used for commercial displays without special glasses (those displays have up to 32 different perspectives!). It is not difficult to calculate the grid width and the optimal distance between grid and screen for the desired viewing point. I printed the grid on an overhead transparency and attached it on a plexi glas of exactly 3mm width. There was a big surprise: I had forgotten that the subpixels (red,green,blue) are aligned in columns and cause interference
again with rotated screen: the subpixels are now aligned perpendicular to the grid
If you find the correct perspective, it really works! Not perfect, but a interesting feeling of deepness.
Interesting for sure - however you cannot keep a plexi glass in front of your screen all the time I guess.
(The model has developed nicely however, as I can see)
I'll just wait until Disney Digital 3-D or something similar comes to desktop monitors.
@ecuadorian said:
I'll just wait until Disney Digital 3-D or something similar comes to desktop monitors.
I'll just get jealous. That 3d stuff never works for my eyes.
That's quite exciting Aerelius!
Very ingenious and creative thinking process. Love it.Would it be an idea to make a Youtube vid showing that screen while rotating the cam? Would be interesting to see for us how the effect really works.
Thanks for posting this.