Automaticaly try to import files that aren't .sku
Anybody get this to work?
@eric_erb said:
Anybody get this to work?
Well obviously I have.
What are you having trouble with? Do you get any errors?
I sent you a couple PMs. The first problem I'm having it that I can't set my dwg files to open with your .exe. I can set them to open with anything else but when I select yours it ignores it and stays with whatever program was selected before. The second problem is when I drop a .dwg file on your .exe I get this error...
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong
Can't use a .bat file and environmental variables (which a ruby can check for the existence of on SU startup?)
Here's a .bat
set LSU=%1 "c;\Program Files\Google\Google Sketchup 7.1\sketchup.exe"
And from Ruby once SU is running:
ENV['LSU']=> "C;\Documents and Settings\Jim\My Documents\drawing\100.dxf"
Can you set the file association using a .bat? I would guess so using the reg command. However, I would not recommend changing a user's file association for a .dxf.
Sorry about that my PM'er is apparently not working.
Re-thought the whole issue. Perhaps I tried to make it too non-specific.
Delete the executable and the template file.Attached is a one trick pony sort of program in a Zipped file.
Unzip it and put it in your plugins folder. Make a shortcut to it on your desktop.Run the program and drag-drop a DWG or DXF file anywhere on the program's dialog.
Sketchup will be launched and your DWG / DXF file should be loaded.
(This program will not work by file association at all.)I hard coded the creation of the ruby file inside the executable.
The delay time to file deletion in the dialog is necessary as the Ruby Script file it creates has to be destroyed, otherwise the script would try to import the same file everytime you started SketchUp.The delay is user definable because you may need to load some very large Autocad files and it wouldn't do to have the Ruby file deleted while it is still trying to import.
The program will remember your last delay time between sessions.
Jim could you expand on what you are saying some?
Are you saying the a Windows Environment variable can be read by ruby in sketchup?
If so can it be set to nil when the ruby script is done importing the DWG?I guess I envision something like the following pseudo-code
If EnvVar != nil then import EnvVar set EnvVar = nil end if
That would be a better idea than creating and destroying a hard coded script file as my program currently does.
Thanks again Gruff... it worked without a hitch. It's a bit of a work around but it works and that's the important thing. I might try to figure out how to launch it during startup and just have it appear down in the notification area of the windows toolbar so I can drag and drop files to it there instead of just keeping a your small window on screen all the time.
Yes, the environment variables are stored in a hash named ENV. Just type ENV in the Ruby Console:
ENV # View the entire hash ENV["TheKey"] # returns a value ENV["TheKey'] = nil # setting a value
I was thinking the ruby could live permenent;y in the Plugins foder, and just check for the existence of and env variable. If it is set, do to import (perhaps using a messagebox to confirm.) after everything finishes loading.
@gruff said:
Jim could you expand on what you are saying some?
Are you saying the a Windows Environment variable can be read by ruby in sketchup?
If so can it be set to nil when the ruby script is done importing the DWG?I guess I envision something like the following pseudo-code
> If EnvVar != nil then > import EnvVar > set EnvVar = nil > end if >
That would be a better idea than creating and destroying a hard coded script file as my program currently does.
ENV # View the entire hash ENV["TheKey"] # returns a value ENV["TheKey'] = nil # setting a value
Cool Beans Jim.
Of course it doesn't solve requiring my app to be running all the time. I suppose I could make it so it always stays on top but that could get to be annoying.
Dropping the DWG file on the taskbar icon doesn't Drop the file. Instead it make the application you dropped on the active application (So you have to drop a second time)
Can a web form detect a DragDrop event? If so perhaps a small always running web form would a better route? At least you could then import Acad files while SketchUp was running.
Don't know diddly about web apps so I am out of my element there.
@gruff said:
Can a web form detect a DragDrop event? If so perhaps a small always running web form would a better route? At least you could then import Acad files while SketchUp was running.
Great thought, and I'd bet the file path would then be accessible in the dialog and then could passed to Ruby, but I don't know enough about it to even test it.
update: dropping a file onto a dialog does indeed trigger some event. In my test case a Ruby file was dropped on a webdialog, and i was then presented the opportunity to save the file. I'm not sure if/how that could be trapped in JavaScript.
Dropping a text file displayed the file in the dialog.
up-update - couldn't be as simple as an ondrop function?
Here's an example for using the ondrop. I do not know how to get the dropped file name.
(I really wish this Ruby syntax would work:)
@dropper_dlg = UI;; @dropper_dlg.set_html( @dropper_dlg.add_action_callback("drop") { |d, a| puts "drop;#{a.inspect}" } __END__ <html> <head> <script> function drop() { window.location="skp;drop"; } function cancelEvent() { window.event.returnValue = false; } </script> </head> <body ondragenter="cancelEvent()" ondragover="cancelEvent()" type=text ondrop="drop();"> Hi There </body> </html>
@jim said:
I do not know how to get the dropped file name.
In Windows Forms programming the event returns a variable of type DataObject. The DataObject has (Among other things.) a Files collection property
-- VB Code-- Private Sub OnDragDrop(Data as DataObject, _ Effect as Long, _ Button as integer, _ X as single, _ Y as single If Data.Files.Count = 1 then sDroppedFileName = Data.Files(1) end if End Sub
Perhaps there is a similar structure in Java?
My guess is that it is in this dataTransfer object referenced on this page:
But I haven't had a chance to try it.
Yeah... I'm going to stay out of this conversation and just try to follow along as best I can. How do you guys think in script? I think my brain was completely maxed out after I added about 50% of AS3 to it, so HTML CSS PHP and AS3. I just don't seem to be retaining ruby like I did the others. Maybe I'm just getting old.
@eric_erb said:
How do you guys think in script? I just don't seem to be retaining ruby like I did the others.
Not to worry Eric. The old adage "If you don't use it you lose it." applies big time to coding. I write VB Code for a living so I have to keep up on some things.
It is not a mystery to me that Ruby is hard to remember. I put it down to the strict case sensitivity and the lack of a comprehensive Integrated development environment.
what about a DWG/DXF export plugin for SU free ???
@alexdobras said:
what about a DWG/DXF export plugin for SU free ???
There is a separate dwg/dxf exporter available for v7 Free - search here for links.
It's not available for v8 but you can have v7 and v8 Free on your PC at the same time.
There is a dwf exporter under development for v8 Free here too - advance-search for 'honoluludesktop' the author... -
@Gruff: There's no reason why you can't use VBS for your IE side webdialog code. Using Javascript is NOT a requirement for Sketchup Ruby. It doesn't care what what scripting language is running in the browser.
@gruff said:
Can Ruby Scripts Accept a command line parameter on load?
@gruff said:
Does Sketchup have command line parameters itself that can load a Ruby Script?
sketchup.exe -RubyStartup script.rb
You many need paths:
Try adding the sketchup program path to the %PATH% var,
then change working dir to the plugins folder where the script is located. -
@dan rathbun said:
@gruff said:
Can Ruby Scripts Accept a command line parameter on load?
@gruff said:
Does Sketchup have command line parameters itself that can load a Ruby Script?
sketchup.exe -RubyStartup script.rb
You many need paths:
Try adding the Sketchup program path to the %PATH% var,
then change working dir to the plugins folder where the script is located.Not as they 'load' up but as an instance of them is started 'yes' - if you mean like,2,3)
it's 'yes' just set the initialize method in the class todef initialize(arg0=0,arg1=,arg2=0)
etc the =0 sets a default value for the arguments if they are not given.
Obviously methods take accept arguments a lot of the API does that...point.offset(vector, distance)
where the Point3d method accepts one or two arguments...
If you want some code to run at startup of Sketchup then place it in a .rb script in Plugins that is auto-loaded and it will run - e.g.startupwithrubyconsole.rb
containing the linerequire 'sketchup.rb';Sketchup.send_action("showRubyPanel:")
will open the Ruby Console whenever Sketchup starts - pretty useless but just an example... orSketchup.send_action("selectSelectionTool:")
to change the default initial tool from the draw-line-tool to the select-tool...