Amazing and Inspiring 3D Renders
I thought it would be good to start a thread to share links of 3D work that amazes or inspires you. I love looking at images that make me realize how little I actually know and how far there is to the top of the mountain. Please share any as you come across them in your cyber travels.
One I found today (Utterly Jaw Dropping!) -
Unfortunately the whole site doesn't (even start to) load for me.
Excellent modeling for sure.
thanks solo for answering - was hoping you'd show up. actually i just read about his courses page- it seems to be 3ds max & vray
wow!!! thank you Adam for sharing this - really unbelievable!!
is it Vue? -
The name of the artist is Stanislav Orekhov
In fact, I think that his interiors are way more realistic. I believe he use already made 3d models, but, the scenes seams to be way beyond any interior visualization I came across.
this is his site( and his associates I think): -
I was just peeking through some of the interior renders. Stunning to say the least.
Here's another one I really enjoy. Check out the showreel.
Oh my... that's just mind blowing, when I grow up I wanna be that good.
The scary part is he throws in some real video, some is very obvious (girl in bed) and others is not like street scene 2. Wow... just imagine the render-farm bill for that show reel.
@solo said:
when I grow up I wanna be that good.
You and me both.
The 'handheld camera' - excellent touch.
This one was the first image that shock me....somehow. It has a story, and maybe it's a message(political), but who cares, this kid made this beauty, to show "his muscles" as he said, and he think it's not finished...
I think that is the essence of 3d.
I had more links, but I let other guys to post too
Adam, this was a good idea. We all have idols, or favorite renderings to share. Ooh...this is the link for the image: -
I always have wondered how someone did this on POV ray.
I had the opportunity to speak with a few of the guys at Neoscape, and not to plug them too much, but they really have some stunning work. I wish they would upload some more of their work, because in their office, they had so many other illustrations that we just mind blowing, but I guess the clients have prevented them from doing so. I got to see a few of their current projects, and "my god". Anyways here are a few companies that do some great work as well:
Page not found - pure rendering
Pure Rendering, a Berlin based rendering Studio
pure rendering (
all amazing work
This is who I want to be when I grow up...
This is a favorite of mine thanks to Eric Lay showing it to me.
Another gorgeous image, another Russian must be something in the air there, I think....I wonder what the guy is from Ukraine
I think I really should pack it in. WOW