My first complete render trial - plz comment :)
heyyyyy guys , first i would like to thank u all cuz all ur posts came in very handy in learning all about vray for sketchup , really u r great all of u ,
anyway this is my first complete render trial so i haope i can get all ur comments on it , its a night shot of a cabin , the modelling is not mine i got it out of 3d warehouse - so no offense i hope so 2 the modeler - but i rendered it ur comments plz
@unknownuser said:
You can see there is potential for sure. They have rendered up well. Many people will pick up models from the warehouse and give them a go with a rendering engine but this is not the best way to get off the ground. Right now you have lots to learn about applying materials as this is the weakness in the renders. But you need to build your own models first. You will also find that people are more willing to help around the forum if they know you are a modeler and not just a borrower.
Good first attempt....go build a model!!
Cheers!!@unknownuser said:
You can see there is potential for sure. They have rendered up well. Many people will pick up models from the warehouse and give them a go with a rendering engine but this is not the best way to get off the ground. Right now you have lots to learn about applying materials as this is the weakness in the renders. But you need to build your own models first. You will also find that people are more willing to help around the forum if they know you are a modeler and not just a borrower.
Good first attempt....go build a model!!
Cheers!!hey brother .... thx a million for ur comment really appreciate it and as for applying materials , i figured that was my weakness too so i have started on that and will post something else soon to get ur comment on it ...... as for the modeling well i am a final year fine arts student department of architecture so modeling is basically my life for without that i cant represent my imagination
but i just needed something small and simple as my projects ar very big and complicated , u know if i get a hang of it on something small then its applicable to any size i am not really concerned about the modeling right now cuz i have been modeling 4 four years so its the rendering i need 2 get a hang of ... but anyway appreciate the advice . would love 2 see any of ur work ....and i am attaching whatever models i can find now that i have done not the best but its what i can find .. thx bro !!1
very nice lighting.
where are the trees from? would love to add them to my collection.
BTW have you tried Twilight render, it may be a lot easier to get the hang of. i've been playing around with rendering for years and still won't tackle vray.
love the last two, gives me ideas for an upcoming reno.
@xrok1 said:
very nice lighting.
where are the trees from? would love to add them to my collection.
BTW have you tried Twilight render, it may be a lot easier to get the hang of. i've been playing around with rendering for years and still won't tackle vray.
@xrok1 said:
very nice lighting.
where are the trees from? would love to add them to my collection.
BTW have you tried Twilight render, it may be a lot easier to get the hang of. i've been playing around with rendering for years and still won't tackle vray.
heyyyyy there . i am very happy u liked the lighting thats what i was concentrating on in this render anyway its hdri lighting and the lamps are emissive layers and a few rectangular lights .....
anyway the trees are from 3d warehouse under the name ( smart tree modified ) :smile: ... its the same tree but i took the leaves off and kept the bark :smile: just to give the shot a spooky look u know a nightrender a small cabin all alone in the middle of nowhere so the trees had to be leaveless :smile:... about twilight , i havent heared anything about it be4 so if u would give me some tips about it i would be greatful , but the reason of why i am using vray is that i am an architect and i am using sketchup now but i am also learning 3d max and vray as a render engine works both on sketchup and on max so i thought to get a hang of the render engine that was applicable 2 bth of them thats why i am using vray just . but anyway thx for the comment brother , hear from u soon ..
Wanas - I love your renders. Have you tried the interior renders using Indigo?
@benindigo said:
Wanas - I love your renders. Have you tried the interior renders using Indigo?
hey thx ben , anyway no as i said i am new 2 rendering and i am trying to stck 2 one engine so i can get a hang of it ,and specially v-ray cuz its applicable to 3d max also . but anyway would love 2 see ur work with indingo , if its easy i will sure give it a shot ,
I'm pretty sure Bruce (modelhead) didn't mean to "scold" you.
What he meant is that a good render always start with a good model which you prepared for the final render already in the modelling phase (i.e. taking future rendering intop account). You can only "trust" in a model if you made it yourself etc. etc. blah-blΓ©ah...
And yes, I understand that you needed something simpler to test with - your projects really seem to be "grand" - would be nice to see them rendered as well as your original post.
[quote="Gaieus"]I'm pretty sure Bruce (modelhead) didn't mean to "scold" you.
hey man ,,,,no man at at all i know that modelhead didnt mean anything i like a good frank opinion always is a push forward ,, if i wanted a biased opinion i would have asked any of by pals here .. and i get his point and urs clearly ... and yup of course ur right and that was gonna be my next step cuz i got to render all my work for my portfolio ,, so tell u guys what i am workinga on a project right now so when i am finished modeling it promise to render it and post it ,,,,:) ,,,really bro thx for the comment ..and plz let me take advantage of this and let em ask u a little smth about materials .
when i download ready materials from asgvis site they always give me an error when i import them into vray and tell me unexpected file format although they r of extension .vismat .. so got any idea how i could fix that ?
and thx again anyway