White House (Updated)
Hi All
The word Villa has been splashed around these forums alot recently. This inspired me to model a traditional Colonial New Zealand Villa.
Would have loved to spend more time learning V-Ray exterior rendering on this (Before posting) but I have finally had a big increase of drafting work to do.Crits are always welcome
Nice model and very nice render. My only critique is the roof, are those tiles or is it corrugated? If it is corrugated then i've just put my foot in it!!
Wow! Very nice!
well i withdraw my critique and congratulate you on an excellent model.
Lots of intricate detail work around the fascias that deserve a mention.the render is impressive too.
Comments of all types are always welcome Rich.
Jonathan, the detail is really nice and the rendering is very well done. Congrats.
I have a couple crits.
The clouds look cartoony. The fuzzy tree in the foreground is, well fuzzy. I understand the intent but it is distracting. I also feel like the drop just past the ivy is unsafe. You have railing on the porch but only a landscape buffer to the left of the walk. It gives me an uneasy feeling. Maybe that is because I am afraid of heights. -
It's corrugated iron roofing and its not a texture its all modeled.
It a nice render very clean, I like what you did with the grass, care to give a some details about how you did that?
Wow, that is really beautiful. I wish all such NZ villa's were in that condition.
@unknownuser said:
You have railing on the porch but only a landscape buffer to the left of the walk
Yea, that's typical in New Zealand
Great rendering and modeling.
I would call this sort of house a Victorian Bungalow. A "Villa" in California would be a larger Mediterranean style house. Apparently different in NZ.
I would like to see the gingerbread up close.
Cheers for the advice. I'll take it on board and when I have some time apply it to the next render.@rclub24
Cheers for your comments. The deatil in the filigree patern was great fun to do.@Crazy Eyes
Cheers for yor friendly pm. Hope you got my pm in return coz its still sitting in my out box (but says its been sent)@pbacot
If you are using V-Ray to render, then this tutorial http://forum.asgvis.com/index.php?topic=4156.0will be very helpful to you. -
Awesome renders, crisp and clean.
Looks like the home I grew up in South Africa. -
you might want to use shift lens of the vray physical camera.
@nomeradona said:
you might want to use shift lens of the vray physical camera.
Hi Shadow king
I actually used Freeagents visopt, which dosnt use physical camera.
Were you refering to the actual perspective? -
Lovely!...the blinds behind the glass reflection, and especially the shadows of the blinds on the interior wall, made me grin out-loud!
@holmes1977 said:
@nomeradona said:
you might want to use shift lens of the vray physical camera.
Hi Shadow king
I actually used Freeagents visopt, which dosnt use physical camera.
Were you refering to the actual perspective?
therefore you cant use the shift lens then.. only the vray physical camera has shift lens.. yes im refering to the 3point perspective effect. which has a paralax effect with that camera viewpoint. -
Damn, thats one good v-ray render. If it wasn't for the sky and foreground tree I could have sworn it was an Arlantis Render. Good Job.