Civil 3D, AutoCAD?
Has anyone experimented in Civil3D with using the import GoogleEarth option (File > Import > ....). Saving the result as a DWG, and then opening in SketchUp?
1- Does the .dwg include the georeferenced location? If so, then when importing that DWG into and then exporting from SketchUp to GoogleEarth properly place the model?
2- Is the terrain surface produced in Civil 3D via the Import GoogleEarth option "better" than that produced in SketchUp via the GoogleEarth toolbar? Is there an option in Civil 3D to control the triangulation parameters of its GoogleEarth import option?
1- The newest version of dwg we support is 2007. When you save down to 2007 in civil 3d it strips out the google earth snapshot entity because its "unsupported". 2010 dwg might support geolocation but we can't import it...
2 - Civil 3d uses the same com api that sketchup uses. I think you get the exact same quality that you currently get in SU. Zooming in closer is the only way i know of to increase the resolution of the terrain.
hope this helps.