Silvershadow's Eye Candy 3 - H.M.C.S SNOWBERRY
The water, and it's texture, was a lesson on it's own. This model is absolutely fantastic, in an incomprehensible sense.
Sketchup does not deserve the stigma it has among the pros, and this proves it. -
And terribly awesome!How the hell did you manage the polycount?
another bomb// wow silver what a dedication you have wiht this soft. google will hug hug hug and kiss
he he i dont really think google is really going to care how good or awesome models is going to be, pushing sketchup like this wont probably do any difference in the development of su 8
I'm so glad you guys like the model, was kind of skeptic if i should post so many images. But so far, it seems everyone is pleased and if i look back on candy 2 now, it really is nothing in comparison to detail on this model. Thanks guys for all the kind replies.
silver_shadow, you don't imagine how many people here in Brazil knows you for your Eye candy's works. You are the greatest with sketchup man, i'm so sad how can google stay with this powerfull tool of modeling and not improove this so mutch loved software. I can tell you that you are very known in all world, for all those ho use sketchup, and i always show your work to those who use another software, to show that sketchup is capable.
Thanks for sharing this great work! -
Oh my god. I still can't decide whether your post is the greatest sketchup inspiration ever or the one that ended all my ambitions. You've created the ultimate benchmark!
Perfect water, incredible details, beautiful render... in fact my first thought was "OK, that's his reference picture, let's see the model he made", the rest was -
Silvershadow - stunning display of modelling skill and observational skills!
I'm not sure if you are aware but the last surviving Corvette - the H.M.C.S Sackville - is in Halifax, Nova Scotia , Canada and is open to the public during the summer tourist season (May 1 - September 30) and open by appointment throughout the rest of the year. The Corvette has a website here but unfortunately it doesn't do it justice. I think you are going to have to go visit! I also think the trust that looks after the H.M.C.S Sackville would be very interested in your model - your detailed model suggests so many educational & interpretive possibilities.
Thanks for sharing it with us
Regards, RossPS - Here's a good pic of the HMCS Sackville the last time the tall ships were in Halifax. The international gathering of world-class Tall Ships is returning to Halifax from July 16 to August 1, 2009. It would be a great time to visit Halifax! I guarantee you'll love the city.
Hi guys as promised, some goodies for download.
You will notice that the textures on the water and hull is blurred and really low resolution. This was only done to kill file size. When you do render re link the texture in the material tab with the higher resolution texture.
Candy 1 2 were not made to be shared and i just built it with a lot of mistakes in it. Candy 3 was also not made to be shared, but eventually in the end of the course, i decided to give this whole package away.Elements on these models could have been simplified by using textures (where i actually built it) and in some cases lower poly could have been used on some curved areas. I did purposely put some unnecessary poly into the model to see if it will crash and after all of it, it still worked. These models are not for sale, these models may not be used to make money from it by selling it. Those who need it for study purposes, or people actually need some info building plastic models on these models, feel free to study them, i tried to be as accurate as i could source from the web. For those who want Candy 1, i would recommend that they download the untextured one first. Its a scene model, so only what you see is modeled. Behind there is nothing. I am also including the building plates ( the ribs and profile pictures ) for those who want to model their own ones, and the original output images, unsized for those who also want to download it.
Please do not abuse this. Its a gift to SCF.
An amazing amount of work much detail its ridiculous!!
Maybe it's just me....but I don't think the renders really reflect the amount of detail you have put in.
I know the images are about the sea too, but I was kinda disappointed with the final images after seeing all the work you put into the modeling.
I may be wrong....but I just feel there's so much more potential.....a lot of the model seems wasted on a distant render.
this is constructive not being bitchy.
yea i know. The ocean was a last minute thought. I modeled it, but actually had second thoughts of putting it with my boat in the final renders. After doing 244 renders, i decided to do 3 more, but i had so many of them already. I did test all the sides on a small scale and decided to do only these 3. But you're absolutely right.
That is an incredible amount of work mate! Thank you for sharing this with the SU community!! You really have taken SU to the next five levels!
I will definitely be taking a look at your model! (Then probably cry afterwards)
Also, probably the best topic for me to be making my first post on these forums!
Well, I went away for a couple of days, and came back to find the most amazing, incomparable modeling work I have ever seen.
I really thank you also for the amount of effort you put in to posting this.
I have learned a lot from studying your work and process.
Thanks for sharing. -
Jacques, I can't believe you shared all your models with us. Amazingly generous of you. I will be studying these in depth and hope understand your process. Again, thank you sincerely my friend!!!!
Man, your dad would be proud, I'm speechless right now. Superb.
Bugger me I am in disppear... I was due to start on my 1st SU model & guess who steps up to steal my thunder but the Master.
Question: I suspect it weighed in at 25+megs what was the poly count? [How on earth did SU not crash!!!]
Very good work mate.
it's so weird orbiting around the models and seeing they're made of edges and faces, and not some other magic object
I have a question though; I've read you use vray for rendering, but noticed you have plenty of components within components (and within components and within components...), when I do this vray simply ignores the objects more than one group "deep" and they dissapear. Is this only me, or am I missing something?
Silver_shadow... it's really hard to know how to write something that does reflect the true effect of your work on someone passionate by the beauty of modelisation... I guess THANKS will cover the wide range of sensation created by you're wonderful work... -
Sharing this model is that we name "the great class"
In this case why not put it in 3Dwarehouse ? You will have more glory!
And will have the top one!
and save your bandwidthPs It's me or there is no engine house?
Thank you