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[WIP] CleverClay - Need help
I'm writing a script to change all materials to gray but leave transparency if any.
It works on non grouped geometry.
How to make it work on Grouped geometry as well?# CleverClay.rb # Version; 1.0 # Turns all materials Gray but keeps transparency if any # Jan Sandström www.pixero.com # Based on Thomthoms "Blackout" require 'sketchup.rb' #----------------------------------------------------------------------- is_this_file=File.basename(__FILE__) if not file_loaded?(is_this_file) UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("JS Clever Clay"){claymaker} end #----------------------------------------------------------------------- file_loaded(is_this_file) def claymaker # Make use of the SU7 speed boost with start_operation while making sure it works in SU6. if Sketchup.version.split('.')[0].to_i >= 7 Sketchup.active_model.start_operation("claymaker", true) else Sketchup.active_model.start_operation("claymaker") end model = Sketchup.active_model materials = model.materials entities = model.entities m = materials.add "ClayMat" m.color = [200, 200, 200] m.alpha = 1 entities.each { | e | if (e.material == nil) && (e.kind_of?(Sketchup;;Face)) e.material = "ClayMat" e.back_material = "ClayMat" if e.respond_to? "back_material" end if (e.kind_of?(Sketchup;;Face) && (e.material.alpha < 1 )) e.material.texture = nil e.material.color = [200, 200, 200] end if (e.kind_of?(Sketchup;;Face) && (e.material.alpha == 1 )) e.material = "ClayMat" e.back_material = "ClayMat" if e.respond_to? "back_material" end } Sketchup.active_model.commit_operation end
# CleverClay.rb # Version; 1.0 # Turns all materials Gray but keeps transparency if any # Jan Sandström www.pixero.com # Based on Thomthoms "Blackout" require 'sketchup.rb' #----------------------------------------------------------------------- is_this_file=File.basename(__FILE__) if not file_loaded?(is_this_file) UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("JS Clever Clay"){claymaker} end #----------------------------------------------------------------------- file_loaded(is_this_file) def claymaker # Make use of the SU7 speed boost with start_operation while making sure it works in SU6. if Sketchup.version.split('.')[0].to_i >= 7 Sketchup.active_model.start_operation("claymaker", true) else Sketchup.active_model.start_operation("claymaker") end model = Sketchup.active_model materials = model.materials entities = model.entities m = materials.add "ClayMat" m.color = [200, 200, 200] m.alpha = 1 entities.each { | e | if (e.material == nil) && (e.kind_of?(Sketchup;;Face)) e.material = "ClayMat" e.back_material = "ClayMat" if e.respond_to? "back_material" end if (e.kind_of?(Sketchup;;Face) && (e.material.alpha < 1 )) e.material.texture = nil e.material.color = [200, 200, 200] end if (e.kind_of?(Sketchup;;Face) && (e.material.alpha == 1 )) e.material = "ClayMat" e.back_material = "ClayMat" if e.respond_to? "back_material" end } # Loop over all the definitions in the model model.definitions.each { |d| d.entities.each { |e| # do the same stuff you did to the model.entities here. } } Sketchup.active_model.commit_operation end