Random renders (updated)
I hope you are getting paid for all this!!
Beautiful work...you have a very distinct style. i love it needless to say
Vue is fast becoming my next targeted software. Ohhhhhhhh does the learning ever end. (arrr wouldnt want it any other way)
How long have you been trucking away at Vue? -
Awesome work Pete, congrats!
I can do it much better!
(It's a joke, hahahaha)
If you publish that Vue tutorials consider to do it thinking on the free version users please.
I was visiting your site, you have very good taste. -
you're certainly on to something with that sketchup - vue workflow of yours, pete! These last three renders are very convincing! Top notch
the vegetation is ridiculous (in a good way)! awesome I love it, you just keep raising the bar!
i'd like to see a few midgies flying about in the forest haha
great renders, pete! i am drooling all over my keyboard.
after seeing the picture i think i like to try the VUE
all you need now is a head bouncing down the steps (u seen apolcalypto?) rather tense atmosphere u've created there pete, kinda unsettling. I like it
nice one again, pete. Although I'm dying to see how the render would look, with the sunlight scattering through the dense vegetation. I think it would be an even more fantastic render with some vibrant light instead of the silhouette drama.
what is it with barcelona chairs?! im getting sick of them!
nice line over although it would be nice to see the complete render without the fading out bit.
i like the fade... but there is a very distinct line in the fade where it goes from color to white..that is bothering me. love that house though.
The fade was intentional, I needed to make it very obvious as this image was used in a tutorial for matching cameras.
I decided while I had the model mounted to render the exterior too, I added an ecosystem of high quality very heavy trees and set my atmosphere to a high gain GR, total polygons 8,646,194,152 and yet my machine still had 87% resources free (gotta love apps that eat poly's)
โฆ Now THAT's amazing!
Also, 8.6 billion poly's? How long did that take to render?
36 minutes.
These are awesome pete. Ur work is making me more and more interested in VUE. It is outstanding
@solo said:
The fade was intentional, I needed to make it very obvious as this image was used in a tutorial for matching cameras.
have to have an answer for everything, huh?
thats crazy... i havent been paying close attention to the vue posts (the text, anyway)... do you place these trees... or does the program automatically generate a layout?