Problem with Kerkythea exporter
Hi to All,
since yesterday the Kerkythea exporter doesn't work anymore. This happened after installation of some Ruby scripts. I changed also the path for saving the xml. But the problem still exists. Below the Ruby message i get on export. Maybe somebody can analyze this message.
Thanks in advance
First thing to try would be getting rid of the scripts you recently installed. If that works keep going to isolate the problem script then contact the author to make him aware of the problem. Hopefully they'll be able to fix the problem.
If that doesnt work you can try contacting the author of su2kt.
Alternatively you could try posting on the KT forum, it may be a known problem/clash.
I moved the topic to the ruby forum hoping that Tomasz (developer of su2kt.rb) will see it better here (ultimately you can even PM him but it would be cool to allow us to see the solution, too).
Most probably what Remus says is the problem; you should find out which is the "offending" plugin and hopefully its author is "active" here so the two scripters can isolate the issue.
Thanks Remus and Gaieus,
I noticed this problem not immediately after installing some scripts, so it is very difficult for me to find the script. If a solution is find i will report it to the forum.
Just had a thought which might help as a temporary workaround - copy the entire sketchup directory to another folder, delete all the scripts, except kerkythea export and opening the file, do the export from there.
It won't stop the problem from occuring in the main SU install but won't stop you working [except for the inconvience of having two SU inatall folders!], allowing you to wait till the answer emerges about what particular script is causing the problem.
A more long winded way is to do the above in copying the install folder, and delete the scripts one by one until the kerkythea exporter starts working again - you will however have to move the scripts back in in a randomized way to make sure the one removed before the exporter started working again was the only one causing problems!
[apologies for the long winded reply to all]
I thought the Ruby console would give the name of the interfering script, but it didn't.
I am looking at the problem right now.
Can you give me a result of: ENV['PATH'] and then press <ENTER> in the Ruby Console input box.
You will probably get nilLine 79 of the Ruby code reads system variable called 'PATH'. It is probably not set on your system. Do you have Linux.. or Win7?
The solution would be to set the variable to a value that makes sense. It depends on the system you are using.
It looks I have to recognize the OS in other way.