Google Earth 3-D Layer Rejection
Hey Jason
The stuff you have been told to do to 'fix' your model is right on the money. Google likes to accept models that look like the models they build for the 3D layer. They do this of course so that everything looks about the same. A SketchUp texture stands out like a sore thumb compared to a nice photo texture.They did, however, make it so that you can tell the judges that they are wrong. I haven't done this myself so I have no idea how it works or even if it does work. But give it a try if you wish. -
@denbost said:
Hey Jason
The stuff you have been told to do to 'fix' your model is right on the money. Google likes to accept models that look like the models they build for the 3D layer. They do this of course so that everything looks about the same. A SketchUp texture stands out like a sore thumb compared to a nice photo texture.They did, however, make it so that you can tell the judges that they are wrong. I haven't done this myself so I have no idea how it works or even if it does work. But give it a try if you wish. had considered using photo textures for my model, but as you can see above my school is a large building with lots of faces. I estimate that it will take about 36 pictures or so to get the job done. I might have to get my students involved in that part of the project!
I also considered telling the judges that they are wrong but figured that they know what they are talking about!
Do you think it matters that my model has no bottom? Since Google said my model was incomplete I was wondering if that is what they were looking at...
They actually like if a model has no bottom. The less faces the better (although that one face shouldn't count and I like to keep it in case some adjustments like PushPulling needs to be done).
@gaieus said:
As for steps 5 & 6, the GE snapshot in SU is locked, This is marked with a red bounding box when you select it (and means that you cannot edit it either). Now when you've unlocked it, you will end up with a grouped face. You need to edit this group (double click) so that you can access the face inside and the image applied to this face. Only now you should right click to access the "Texture" context menu where you can turn the image into projected.
I must be doing something wrong.
I have the colored GE snapshot (or at least close to it). I used it to replace the B&W background, but after unlocking and double-clicking on it, I don't seem to have a 'texture' menu when I right-click.
My file is attached, should you have a chance to look at it...
Thanks again for all of your help!
As a total side note, I can't upload directly to the 3D Warehouse or access the Warehouse from within SU. I'm thinking it is because of my school's proxy server configuration. They filter out inappropriate content and block email, Facebook, and the like, probably blocking the ports I need in the process!
@jkibbe said:
I have the colored GE snapshot (or at least close to it). I used it to replace the B&W background, but after unlocking and double-clicking on it, I don't seem to have a 'texture' menu when I right-click.
The reason is that you are right clicking on the GE Terrain, not the GE snapshot. The nature of the two is different;
- while the "snapshot" is a single, flat face and allows you to access the texture item in the context menu,
- the "terrain" is a triangulated, softened "mesh" and as such (a "curved surface") it won't allow you to access the texture menu (nor do groups or components when clicked on them "from outsie" - before double clicking to edit)
Problem is that you seem to have deleted the snapshot somehow and only have the terrain in your model now (this may result in not too accurate texture positioning). Yet you can do the projection but by "inserting" and extra step:
- double click to edit (like before)
- go to Virew menu > Hidden geometry; this will unhide all the hidden/softened edges on your triangulated mesh.
- NOW you can right click on any of the facets and access the texture menu item
- check the "Projected" as described above
- sample the material on that tiny facet (Alt+Paint bucket)
- turn off hidden geometry and apply the material (now "projected") on the whole surface.
- Exit the group and start painting your roof.
@jkibbe said:
As a total side note, I can't upload directly to the 3D Warehouse or access the Warehouse from within SU. I'm thinking it is because of my school's proxy server configuration. They filter out inappropriate content and block email, Facebook, and the like, probably blocking the ports I need in the process!
It's almost certainly the case. Before starting to use SU seriously with your students, these things should be solved and your network admin add the 3D warehouse to the allowed sites and fix the connection anyway.
I'd even suggest adding (the often also "blocked") YouTube to the white list as many of the video tutorials are hosted there even by Google. 7th graders should be considered "adults" enough to be able to make the difference what they are watching in class.I could also suggest you to use proxy servers to access these sites but I doubt your school would be happy with a teacher hacking the system.
Mind you though that the students are most probably aware of these "tricks" so such a censorship only makes your job harder but won't block them to see Facebook for instance. -
Okay, I finally got it to work. On one file it projected some of the roof in the wrong place (not sure why). I reverted back to an earlier version, and I love how it loves with the photo textured! I think I'll resubmit for 3D layer approval.
Thanks again for your help!
Glad it works now. Mind you however that the walls should also be photo-textured (at least that the "expectation"). Nevertheless if it gets acceptred this way, you can always edit and improve the model and submit it for revision.
Yeah, the walls are going to have to wait for now. The school year is almost over, and I have a busy summer! Maybe in the fall... Photo matching the walls looks a little more involved than just projecting the image onto the roof, too.
I tried resubmitting to the GE 3D layer, but I'm not sure if it worked. Supposedly if I have the Google Earth Ready checkbox checked they'll reconsider, but on the main page for the model the status still says that it was "not accepted at this time." Maybe the status will change eventually to 'under consideration'!
Thanks for all of your help!
For the correct records, I have to mention that I learnt this image reload trick (as far as I remember) from our "Frenchy" Pilou here, on this board. Until then I kept suffering with importing the colour image and trying to meticulously scale and position it which is obviously never as precise as this (fairly simple but brilliant idea of the) reloading method.
(If it wasn't Pilou but someone else, forgive my short memory)
For those that are visual learners, this video shows a similar technique. At least to get one started...!
Thanks again for your help! I used the GE satellite image for the roof of my building, resubmitted for 3-D layer inclusion, and was accepted. Strangely, the roof in GE does not look like the model I submitted...
Thanks again!
View building in GE with 3D layer active
Cool, Jason, and thanks for coming back with the good news.
Now get your students to model the whole town and soon you all will be famous! (At least we would do our best)