Weird behavier in GE: jumping model
did anyone ever have a model, that changes its altitude when panning the view in Google Earth?
One of my (not yet published) models drives me round the bend.
It has this ugly rotation problem (aligned in SU = 2Β° rotated in GE) and now it also jumps up and down when I move the view. My approaches to solve the problem were unsuccessful:- I thought already that it has to do with the size (1.4 km), but other models can be larger without problems.
- Parts are below GE terrain (repeated components, I didn't want to make them unique). I deleted these parts, but the model kept jumping up and down.
- I copied the geometry in an empty model and imported again the GE terrain.
So now I can only think of an error in the terrain in Google Earth itself. Maybe some overlapping elevation maps? (quite foolish idea...)
Do you have the model uploaded somewhere? I see you are saying it's not yet published though...
How do you export it to GE? Via the Warehouse, the "Place model" button or the File > Export > 3D model function?
Now I uploaded it to my webspace always used tools -> Google Earth -> place model. Now I also tried to export it as kmz-file.
When you pan to the west side of the model, it looks like if it was not aligned correctly or if it was floating. When you orbit down, it jumps back onto the terrain. -
I also uploaded it to try how the converter on google's server handles it. No success.
First of all, before exporting, never choose such a closeup camera in SU and especially never in such a "flat" angle to the ground. SU cameras won't be exported as GE cameras exactly as they look in SU therefore they can cause problems in GE.
Now I couldn't do anything but export (place) your model from my SU 7 and apart from a (very) initial floating effect due to the above camera placement, it seems to be just fine for me. Have a look at the attached kmz file.
(Nice, clean GE imagery BTw but then also the model if nice
I uninstalled GE and cleaned all remains of it. Then I reinstalled the same version (4.3): the problem was not solved.
Now I installed GE 5 and the left side of the model is only a little floating (it was really bad before, four times as much). So I will tweak the terrain and accept it.
Thanks very much!