Real or render?
yeah..thats what i was initially thinking too, david..
Well I think he's made the point..
But the geology of the foreground rocks doesn't seem to match the mid/background, so "rendered".
(And sadly, I did do a zoom to find out if I could see a Solo signature hidden anywhere
real......I hope
I'd be really surprised if it's something made in SU...
I wouldn't be surprised if it's something made (or at least rendered) in Vue however. Remember that it's "first of all" a terrain/environment modeller renderer with a whole bunch of cool features like ecosystems and such.
Also, I might be totally mistaken.
Im going with render as well, as others have said the rock looks a bit weird.
Render, I'd say expert mastery of VUE 7 Infinite.
Bravo Solo.
I'll say render, either Vue or Terragen
It's a render! I think the haziness in the background is not as real as it could be.
I ve changed the background...I think now looks a bit more real
Terragen is really awesome!! Love those models
i wanna do that when i grow up -
Daniel and Silvershadow are correct, this is 100% render, no photoshop was envolved, no photo were used in the render, all generated terrains, shaders, etc.
Terragen 2. -
that's pretty amazing stuff..
Holy smokes. I was sure it was real.
some pretty amazing images on that site
Other than the little I've seen on their website, I'm not too familiar with how Terragen works. Are you able to model accurate site models from a site plan with contours? Can a Terragen model be imported into Vue?