Menu Script
Min and max decide how many buttons there can be. It's quite complicated, and I think this is one of those scripts you're either gonna get, or not:
#Initialisation if frame==1; setVar("lrepeat",0); setVar("rrepeat",0); setVar("main_select",1); end; min=1 max=2 #key 'events' if key("left")==0; setVar("lrepeat",1); elsif getVar("lrepeat")==1; setVar("main_m",getVar("main_m")-1); setVar("lrepeat",0); end; if key("right")==0; setVar("rrepeat",1); elsif getVar("rrepeat")==1; setVar("main_m",getVar("main_m")+1); setVar("rrepeat",0); end; if key("up")==1; setVar("main_select",getVar("main_m")); end; #Menu behaviour if getVar("main_m")<min; setVar("main_m",max); elsif getVar("main_m")>max; setVar("main_m",min); end;
It's used in this collab between me and Rogue:
...I've been trying to incorperate a menu using actual ruby, and although it's easy...
prompts = ["What do you want to control?"] defaults = ["Car"] list = ["Car|Boat|man"] results = UI.inputbox prompts, defaults, list, "MODEL USE SELECTION."
ΓNote, that up there is an example, and I'm not making anything that uses boats, cars and people at the time.... I can't figure out how to properly incorporate it with the current workings of the onTick box. It will never get rid of the UI box, and a new one comes up as soon as you exit the old one: there's no apparent way to set it to a key in SP.
Oh, BTM, that's boring! Menus in 3D, with little moving bits and nice effects, that's the way to go!
... But messageboxes and inputboxes are more practical, and less complicated to make. They also allow for input, like of you wanted to make a box that goes to a certain position depending on what you type in a field
... Once again, the problem with inputboxes (not messageboxes; they work fine) is that they automatically work every frame, and I can't get them to stop!
... Also, a 2 way switch can be easier, remember the one I posted a while back? (no link, sorry)
What do you mean it happens every frame? Even if you do something like...
if(frame==100); UI.message_box...;end
Ah! You're right! I guess I was writing it out wrong when I tried to get it to pop up when a key is pressed.
You know the key detection system I use? That'd work for this.