Some new Renders..
Words fail me.
I gotta learn how you and FreeAgent blend images and render the way you do.
Awesome work my friend as usual.
Vray I assume.
Thanx Pete
Yea its vray all the way, nothing too special.But i must say the bungalow was quite fun to build. Ive got a picky boss and dont like too hyper real stuff, so its kind of a bummer. But i still like to share it lol -
...good render,good architecture,thanks!
Just a kinda unrelated question.
Are you self taught in SU and v-ray?
I want to improve my skill level and want to know how to go about doing that.Cheers
I am doing now su for 4 years and vray for about 2 years. Self taught. Me and Free agent used to work together and we helped each other to get into sketchup and vray. Sketchup is easy to learn and a lot of plugins helps you to do better models in quicker time. Thats what makes su so great. Vray is kind of a steep learning curve, but once you kinda know how to use it, you can use it in other platforms too. The interface is the same in other applications. So its a good thing to learn it. You can contact me if you need help, and ill help and support where i can. In modeling or in vray.
amazing work from the capetown guys!!! love it
you and free agent always amaze me with your renders bravo!!!
Excellent modelling and images, congrats sir!
That is spectacular architecture, where do you get your ideas from?
we entered a competition but did not get it, would have been interesting to see it go up.
The bungalow is still happening tho -
crap u didnt get it, such an awesome presentation, u should post a small version of that Sheet that was put together for it.
here you go
12 panel each one is a A1 sheet.So the presentation was quite a huge board
@silver_shadow said:
here you go
12 panel each one is a A1 sheet.So the presentation was quite a huge board
Hi there Silver,
nice too see you again....and really great stuff you got there...
one Q though, which software did you use for the PLANS??? they look amazing -
The plans were done in Vectorworks, exported to pdf, and imported to photoshop cs2
The elevations were done in Su, rendered in Vray and touched up in cs2
Sections were first made from su, brought into vectorworks for cleanup and then pdf and cs2
But final composition were made in Photoshop. Glad you like it -
hehe now go ask them for permission to share it
excellent render. one of the best render ive seen with vray su.
Hey nomeradona, congrats on your prize on podium!!
@silver_shadow said:
The plans were done in Vectorworks, exported to pdf, and imported to photoshop cs2
The elevations were done in Su, rendered in Vray and touched up in cs2
Sections were first made from su, brought into vectorworks for cleanup and then pdf and cs2
But final composition were made in Photoshop. Glad you like itSO as a vectorworks user, do you recomend a AutoCAD user to switch or use both??
because i've seen some great work (PLANS) done by Vectorworks...and yours makes me want to learn this software even more, and also to improve my presentations. -
Well i must say..i like vetorworks a bit more than autocad. But it comes down to user preferences.
You can draw just a sfast as you can in autocad if you get to know it better and set up some basic shortcuts, and it also do have a 3d package in it, really bad, but overall i like it. worth while learning it.
It has got layers, classes and saved sheets. Layers you can group all your pens which is switched on and off into layers and have them as groups switched on or off. It has got viewports also. Further on on the new vectorworks 2008 you have pens and fills you can make transparent, like if you want to make glass, draw in a class you set up called glass and give it transparency like su and it will show it like that in cad, anything behind it will still show depending on transparency.So id say its not a bad program to learn and also quite easy to learn it too. If you walk into a firm not knowing vworks, ill bet you you will be running the program by the end of the week, if no one really helps you. -
@silver_shadow said:
here you go
12 panel each one is a A1 sheet.So the presentation was quite a huge board
w! superb images! how did you render the elevations in vfsu?
@chavinskee said:
@silver_shadow said:
here you go
12 panel each one is a A1 sheet.So the presentation was quite a huge board
w! superb images! how did you render the elevations in vfsu?
you choose an elevation in sketchup, no perspective..set up the shadows and make sure you got the new vray installed and render it using the default camera