Visual Puns & Puzzles
@mitcorb said:
Either "inspection of", or focus on this, rather than other classes? As long as the trend is toward the esoteric?
How about just plain "See"?
one of my personal favorites. a 1959 take on the classic "39 Steps" which was then remade in 2009. Check em out!!!
Only Cary Grant can run thru a corn field in a Brooks Brothers suit and look immaculate. This scene although part of Hollywood Legend, was always far-fetched to me. He gets the directions from Eva Marie Saint, which send him to a rural crossroads in Indiana. .. and not once does he say to himself. . ."am i being set up here?"
- 7 years later
Eric. . .Glad to see this oldie being revived. It was fun back in the day--even though I was never any good at it back then.
And I'm still not it seems. I have no idea what this picture is, but anything that involves a poop emoji has got to be hilarious, right?
I've only just found this thread - well I joined around 2013, so missed most of it. I read the lot and laughed until I couldn't breath! I still think 'soccer' should have been shadow boxing, 'Karioke' was 'heavy print', 'Seifeld' was 'stand-up comics', I'm absolutely sure 'love machine' should be 'heart-(r)vending'. Costofinkel's first comment on p33 had me in fits... and Tobobo's cat hook comment on p46....I need oxygen!
Oh and the new Boofredlay's new one - something to do with cutting loose of sh*t, man! -
Glad you got a good laugh from these.
A good few of these can definitely have more than one "correct" answer apart from the author's intent.@emerald15 said:
Oh and the new Boofredlay's new one - something to do with cutting loose of sh*t, man!
Unchained 'Malady'!
or... 'snow escape' (there's no escape!)
- 21 days later
a wild guess...Snapshat
- 8 days later
Good guesses but now.
Hint: The answer has to do with shopping. -
I found this . Does it have anything to do with it?
wow..I never realized there were so many ways to say the same thing.
Back to the pun-one other thought came to mind Unchained Malady not so much to do with shopping though. -
- 29 days later
Ok another hint, Taxes.
ok . . about:"
Huge Taxes can enslave us like a big ball and chain and are a pretty much big pile of cr*p?
That seems a bit convoluted, n'est-ce pas?
Last hint. Someone should get it off of this.
Shopping minus taxes.
Duty Free!
Good one Eric.