New Toggle Script (Help Needed)
if key("space")==1 && getVar("piston")==1 then setVar("piston",0);elsif key("space")==1 && getVar("piston")==0 then setVar("piston",1);end;
Can somebody please help me? When i enter this into the controller, it does a syntax error. What am i doing wrong?
(Thanks •BTM!)
main problem I can see right off-the-bat: elsif. You wrote elseif. Basically, you spelled it wrong.
I see what you're trying to do, but honestly, it won't work. Mine is long for a reason
There's a 50/50 chance of actually toggling. I mean that literally. Oh, and hold down space, see what happens... I'll let you figure out what's going on.
!!201ST POST! YAY!!
@wacov said:
I see what you're trying to do, but honestly, it won't work. Mine is long for a reason
There's a 50/50 chance of actually toggling. I mean that literally. Oh, and hold down space, see what happens... I'll let you figure out what's going on.
!!201ST POST! YAY!!
I sort of want it to that, i want to give an effect of 'old' machinary, which does not always work.
Yeah, I know that wacov, but he was wondering why the script didn't work at all, so I told him why. Let him find the rest out on his own
(I see he corrected the spelling mistake after)
(By the way, please excuse me, i have only figured out how to write If commands 3 days ago)
@unknownuser said:
@wacov said:
I see what you're trying to do, but honestly, it won't work. Mine is long for a reason
There's a 50/50 chance of actually toggling. I mean that literally. Oh, and hold down space, see what happens... I'll let you figure out what's going on.
!!201ST POST! YAY!!
I sort of want it to that, i want to give an effect of 'old' machinary, which does not always work.
... really? And the whole spastic vibration thing is alright with you?
Nevermind, i've figured out a way to fix it using onTouch.
Are you really this inclined to avoid using my script?
Nope. Your script i by far better, but it is REALLY hard to remember from the top of one's head
- ... I wish Chris would stickify it... or make a sticky post with all the good scripts in...
I think everyone's been trying to find easier ways. Mine was a simple 2 button switch, but I can't seem to figure out any other way to make a one buttoned one, and when I do, they turn out almost exactly like yourse.
I'll be happier than anyone if there's a simpler way, but the problem is detecting key presses as individual events. I believe that onButton/Key events will be added in the next version, or at least before SPIV; that'll make things a whole lot easier... but I'm more excited about the ability to detect what onTouch is hitting. For the next motorsketch, I'll (hopefully) be able to add AI opponents that follow routes through the track, attacking each other and the player, along with a lap counter!