Lighting Project
@remus said:
Indigo indeed, and it only took 18 hours
18 hours! that's like watching paint dry
Seriously, though that's not a good carbon footprint. Look at all the electricity that was used just to make a 2d light bulb, look 3d.
Are we all going insane?
<twisted logic>
I dont own a car (or plan to), so that sort of cancels it out.
</twisted logic>
@remus said:
<twisted logic>
I dont own a car (or plan to), so that sort of cancels it out.
</twisted logic>
So why did it take that long? (even Maxwell does not take that long)
- slow CPU?
- slow rendering execution?
- other?
In this case I think it was a combination of slowish CPU, large output size and the single light source.
Could I ask what makes you think maxwell would be faster? I would have thought the render times would have been pretty similar really.
@remus said:
In this case I think it was a combination of slowish CPU, large output size and the single light source.
Could I ask what makes you think maxwell would be faster? I would have thought the render times would have been pretty similar really.
It used to be similar until I finally got a quad core machine.
Alas i'm stuck with a mere dual core. I'm sure a render farm would fix that, though
nice job on the SSS... shade looks great.... i dont think maxwell would be any faster, personally.... depending on the settings for the SSS material on the shade..
I didnt bother with sss for the shade, kept it single face thickness and used a diffuse transmitter. Just me being too lazy to model the shade with thickness, really.
haha....even better
@remus said:
Alas i'm stuck with a mere dual core. I'm sure a render farm would fix that, though
Its hard to compare resuslts, I'm just learning, and test driving V-ray for SU
It did this simple rendering in 7 min.
Just a mini update, heres the real thing for comparison.
Remus, Nice job. I like the warmth of the light. Make me want to take a nap....
Is that a missing petal? or is it a design feature?
i suppose you could call it a 'feature'
Its more my dodgy workmanship really.
oh, looking back the first render I get it now. The petals are in pairs, so there are gaps on purpose. In this photo, only one gap is visible, sort of looked like a single missing petal.
Is it stained glass? Did you slump the glass yourself?
It's tissue paper that i sprayed with PVA
A lot easier to work with than glass.
This lamp is full of surprises. Quite nice, well done.