[Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
Dear Chris,
I am looking day after day on this thread to see if i would be not a new update available for your ShapeBender, with possibly great and astonished enhancements. April seems so far from now
suliman el bueno
uh oh, sorry to disappoint Simon. I have not worked on this script at all recently. It needs it badly. There are a few major bugs that bother me almost everytime I use it.
This script is on my list of scripts to fix up. But if I add any major additions or functionality, I will probably consider releasing it as a script for sale. So we';ll have to see what the future holds,
Chris. Just so you know...if you do release this script with new functionality and enhancement, I'll be first in line to pay for it.
Two things I'd like to see are the ability to run the script on closed shapes and a timeout method added (similar to Round Corner) where you can Esc out of the process.
AND of course (?) the ability to bend the UV map along with the geometry.
(Please, Chris) -
Dear Chris
grateful thanks for all the stuff you and others post. A real help for me as a relative newby, both to woodworking and SU.
what do I need to do to acquire Shape Bender? Looks like just the job I need for a current project.
apologies if all you re going to do is point me to an obvious button - I have searched carefully so as not to waste your time and aware may just be my normal supermarket shelf blindness at work yet again.
with kind regards
Cliff -
Hi Cliff, the script is posted at the bottom of the first post in this whole thread. That is the way most srcipts are posted here on this forum. That way when a new update for the script is made, it is always put at the very beginning of the thread so its easier to find.
So just navigate back to the beginning of the thread, go to the bottom of my first post and download the .zip file. Extract it to your plugins folder and then you should find a "Chris Fullmer Tools" in your plugins menu, and the shape bender script will be located there.
And feel free to ask questions here in this thread. I'd rather respond publicly to script questions, so others can have access to the same info. Good luck,
I for one would love to see this ruby developed further and am willing to pay for this. It really is an extremely useful script.
(a reasonable price as S&S (not as LightUp (which is I don't Know but seemingly a very heavy scripted tool)) I buy it today
Many thanks for all your splendid and useful scripts dear Chris.. - - simon
Well, LightUp is definitely a different category and I guess who regularly uses it, can justify the cost.
@unknownuser said:
"LightUp is definitely a different category.."
We had just seen it developed here, with us as beta tester in SCF.
It was a tool we was really needing for. May be we were needing a simpler tool: three lights (and tree shadows), manageable independently, and shadows manageable with translucent material.
LightUp was in our hands, filling this need. And become its overclock price.. Now, only people who hardly need it in their professional work can access to it. (~~ understand but sad.(an affordable price would have been welcome)So: back to the first step: we need a lighting tool++ for everyone.
simon -
I am not sure, Simon, if you are right. Making lights (bumps, soft shadows whatnot) work insideSU is not an easy job I believe. Adam did it and worked his ass off to do it.
Now as for the price? That is indeed dictated by the market. If he didn't find a customer at this price, he'd probably lower it.
There are "cheaper" applications with different approach of course (use some easy render engine to create your lights and whatnot)
Sorry for this digress which leads us away from ShapeBender. >>This is my last one.
@gaieus said:
I am not sure, Simon, if you are right. Making lights (bumps, soft shadows whatnot) work inside SU is not an easy job I believe.
Looking for this here and there, i guess you are right. May be it's possible to manage one artificial light (direction, intensity, color, shadow variations), but probably not possible X2 or X3.
And (as I can tell for I am a cameraman accustomed to build light ) three lights are the good minimal number to construct any artificial atmosphere: main direction+ secondary to smooth the first one, and backlight to underline the geometry.@unknownuser said:
Adam did it and worked his ass off to do it.
I had followed enthusiastically the development of LightUp. At the end the rescripting of all the code in C language was certainly a hill of work..
"Adam, be sure I respect you, and your work!" - - - simon
@unknownuser said:
There are "cheaper" applications with different approach of course (use some easy render engine to create your lights and whatnot)
This is the point I guess. I have to accept to leave SketchUp when I reach the end of what it is destined for, and learn a bunch of renderers...
Hi Chris,
as promised here is the link for your shape bender plugin translated into French
A next time
The videos you make explaining how to use the rubies are worth there weight in gold. Thanks for all your hard work and I second Remus' comment with regard to being willing to pay for these excellent scripts.
@c.plassais said:
Hi Chris,
as promised here is the link for your shape bender plugin translated into French
A next time
Awesome, thanks!
Shape bender is now available in French, thanks to c.plaissais (Christophe). Download it [url=http://biblio3d.1fr1.net/plug-in-sketchup-f19/plugins-shape-bender-051-en-francais-t441.htm#2980:3kp3aptb]HERE![/url:3kp3aptb]
Holy Cow!!! You Rock! I am an artist working in blown glass, and I got into using Sketchup about a year ago to make mock ups of glass installations in homes and other locations. Sketchup has been great at the architecture part, making a niche or what have you works well and looks good. But rendering a blown glass object in sketchup has not been satisfying because the objects are too geometric, and I can't bend them and put the soft contours on the objects. NO LONGER!! This plugin has made my presentation look so much better! Thanks so much for sharing your brainiac coding ways with the rest of us!! I am sure I am being redundant, I see there are lots of comments here, but thanks so much!!
forgive my ignorance, but can someone tell me exactly how/where to download this plug-in, what else I need to install and how to run? Seems I've clicked on just about everything, but can't find it and its probably staring me in the face. Is there a simple FAQ on this?
It's on the first page of this thread.
hi Chris, i don't know if your still working on this or not but, i've been trying to bend this handle with no luck. when i hit enter the ghosted (bent) shape just disappears instead of solidifying??? maybe its a 7.1 problem?
Hi Rocky,
It does work for me (Zoom to model extents - the resulting geometry - several instances in your model in fact - is much above your initial handle).
Make your models on the ground plane and the result won't fly to the Moon.