Call to Mac users for script portability
Problem about padding in table rows
Here is an update to check if I can get control of the table rows margins on Mac. This only impacts the Default Parameters Dialog boxes.
Thanks to advise
i'm not sure what the table row margins are but as far as i can tell, the only difference with the latest file is that it adds something weird to sketchup in general..
that little square isn't part of the icon.. it's just floating on top (i can move the toolbar and the square will remain).. that's what the bottom-right corner of a window in os x looks like and it's used for resizing the window.
Did you notice the little sqare with the previous version (I mean the one fixing the button image)?
for the row heights, they should normally be smaller (as they are on Windows). At least, this is the intent!
PS: the very first time you call a web dialog (Translation or default parameters), I open and close an empty web dialog in order to determine some parameters of the browser, such as the version, the screen size, etc...). You should normally see this event.
@unknownuser said:
Did you notice the little sqare with the previous version (I mean the one fixing the button image)?
my bad.. i think that was being caused by a screencapture app i'm demoing (the one i used to make the red arrow in the previous post
the row heights appear the same though:
(that's scrolled down a little to show all the icons)@unknownuser said:
for the row heights, they should normally be smaller (as they are on Windows). At least, this is the intent!
ah, i see.. it's not a problem at all with the way they are sized now but maybe your attention to detail is greater than mine
@unknownuser said:
PS: the very first time you call a web dialog (Translation or default parameters), I open and close an empty web dialog in order to determine some parameters of the browser, such as the version, the screen size, etc...). You should normally see this event.
yeah, i see that.. a fast flash of a blank window prior to the freescale dialog popping up..
@unknownuser said:
my bad.. i think that was being caused by a screencapture app i'm demoing (the one i used to make the red arrow in the previous post
hmm.. nope it's the latest config file causing it.
i closed everything except sketchup and the little square pops up right after i open the freescale parameters.
[edit] and upon reverting to the original config file (the one in version e), i get the same thing so it's not the cause..
i'll try to go back through some of the other files to see which update it starts with.
Don't spend your time finding out. It is very plausible that it related to SU Web dialogs, where the modal mode for Web dialogs does not really exist on Mac. So LibFredo6's fault.
Can you try the attached file and watch:
- the little square
- the row heights
looking good..
no little square and the rows are smaller
Thanks. That was the reason for the small square. You're the first one to notice.
For row heights, it seems I have also found the subtilities for Safari (which behaves very differently from IE).Could you make a try with the 2 attached files on:
- the Default Parameter dialog boxes
- The translation boxes
- the language definition dialog box (within the translation dialog box, select 'New language' in the combo box at the top left).
to drop into LIBFREDO6_Dir_31 folder
these ones make the row spacing big again in the default parameters.
i haven't opened the language boxes lately but they're looking like the original parameters windows.
this is how they look with the new and old files..
Well, this means that Safari definitely takes some freedom with the W3C specifications.
Can you try this one then?Fredo
Hi Fredo and Jeff,
it's working for me now (cheers for the heads up Mac info Jeff) , including arrow keys and shft lock
and thanks for a nice program Fredo
I just finished a length of c1962 Moulton bicycle frame tube (tappered and formed thin wall)
I'm very happy... I've attached pics of both yesterdays and todays LibWeb Parameters
I emailed you some screen shots, won't upload.
From the screenshots, I see that the top and bottom margins are still a little bit large.
Can you try with the attached file and tell me if the margins get smaller.
yep, the margins are now smaller and almost everything is visible without stretching the window..
the only problem i see now is that i have to stretch the window in order to see the 'save' and 'close' buttons for language translations.. also, when i select 'new language' from the 'translate into' dialog, there's no way to stretch the window so i'm not sure if there are supposed to be save/cancel buttons at the bottom.the default parameter dialogue is still ok ( with both libfredo6 and freescale)
[btw, i'm moving the windows into these positions for ease of making the screenshot.. normally, these exact two windows wouldn't be opened together.. this is how it looks if i don't change anything and only go Language Translation-> Translate Into -> new language.. ]
it's the same with libfredo6 and freescale
I am a little bit lost. Are you sure you ever saw the push buttons of the Translation (and Language List) dialog boxes ? It seems you have the same old bug about windows half displayed which I fixed for the Default Parameter box.
Just to be sure, I reattach the 2 files that correspond to my current version.
Again, many, many thanks for your help to all, I know this is a lengthy process, but actually it did not worked that bad!
to drop into LIBFREDO6_Dir_31 folder
@unknownuser said:
I am a little bit lost. Are you sure you ever saw the push buttons of the Translation (and Language List) dialog boxes ? It seems you have the same old bug about windows half displayed which I fixed for the Default Parameter box.
Just to be sure, I reattach the 2 files that correspond to my current version.
no, i can't remember ever seeing the buttons for the translation box (though i haven't been checking it with all of the updates.. i've just been looking at default parameters).
the translation boxes look like the the default parameter boxes did when this thread started so i guess whatever you did to fix the default params would be the same thing you could do to the translations?@unknownuser said:
Again, many, many thanks for your help to all, I know this is a lengthy process, but actually it did not worked that bad!
oh, no problem.. it's good timing for this because i haven't had any onsite work lately.. just at home with the kids
Do you mean that the Translation box is still 'half-shown' with the latest rb files?
yes, it is still half shown using the latest attached files
It means that I did not yet how I fixed it for the Default Parameters box!
Could you try this one
ok, that fixed it.. the language maintenance box is the only weird one now.. (and i noticed i can stretch it to get to the save/cancel buttons.. there's just no stretch graphic showing at the bottom right)
here's where it's at right now:
language translation
language maintenance:
freescale default parameters:
libfredo6 default parameters:
If the attached one works on the Language dialog box, then it means I have understood the weird things with the SU web dialog boxes (i.e. the order of set position and set size).
Thanks to advise