Frustrated with rubies
@adamb said:
So I saw this thread and spend half an hour playing with building a WebDialog progress bar.
What I planned to do was have a Javascript driven animated progress bar and a simple call from Ruby to update the percentage.
The html/js is trivial but I came unstuck because the WebDialog stops when Ruby runs. Now I don't understand because I supposed that the browser would be running in separate native thread.
Somebody mentioned they'd experimented earlier with this and failed. Was this the same issue?
Yes, same issue. Scott Lininger is aware of the problem.
@unknownuser said:
Have you looked into Organizer?
Thanks Rick, tho it seems a bit complicated for my poor brain. I can see myself getting in lots of trouble trying to organise subfolders, especially considering the apparent dependency of various rubies on each other.
baz -
Here's the cry of my soul:
Ruby people please stop adding your stuff to right click menu!
The 2nd: Why not concentrate all rubies in plug-is menu? (jumping thru draw-tools-
plug-ins is extremely annoyng! -
#1 - I actually mostly agree with. I don't like rubies to clutter up my right click context menu also.
#2 - Some author feel that there plugin should be placed in the camera menu since the plugin might be directly related to the camera. Or the Draw menu, or the tools menu. Some authors just want ttheir plugin to go into the most logical menu, and in their mind, generic "plugins" is not it. I think I agree with you on this one too. I'm not a big fan of having to remember where all the rubies I've installed have put themselves.
Of course, I'm sure there are plenty of different opinions out there....
This is why some ruby scripters create their own menus instead. Like Chris Fullmer tools and such...
I agree, that shows my preference. I make a single menu within the plugins and everything I've written goes in there (except I hear that there might be a bug that is creating 2 menus - which I might have a fix for). But all my scripts should also be compatible with Rick's organizer for people who want to organize them on their own.
I was just teasing, Chris.
@rv1974 said:
Here's the cry of my soul:
Ruby people please stop adding your stuff to right click menu!Interesting - I took Windowizer4 out of the right-click menu, and people were requesting I put it back!
Just shows there are different preferences for different people...
There are a lot of good and helpfull Ruby plugins.
In addition, there are many Ruby plugins that contain similar functions.
It seems to me that the Ruby plugins are being integrated into Sketchup without a system.
I'm confused about, that the Ruby plugins can be found in three different menus.
Through this it is sometimes difficult to find the Ruby plugin you need , especially if one does not use the expansions every day.
The next difficulty is, serves itself to remind which Ruby plugin for which Function. Because the titles are often not very helpful.
It would be very helpfull if the Plugins could be organized by the user according to there main Functions
for example:Plugins folder-------->Bezier tools
Push and Pull tools
Scaling tools
Extrusion toolsI don't know if that is possible and how to do it. Please excuse my bad English
There is actually an "Organiser" plugin that would allow you to do it (at least with "compatible" plugins). I haven't used it yet but it may still be useful.
@baz said:
@unknownuser said:
Have you looked into Organizer?
Thanks Rick, tho it seems a bit complicated for my poor brain. I can see myself getting in lots of trouble trying to organise subfolders, especially considering the apparent dependency of various rubies on each other.
bazTwo things:
Organizer can do a simple test and notify you if you move any required files, letting you know you need to put them back in the Plugins folder. Also, creating a backup of your Plugins folder prior to using Organizer can save you some headaches.
I do offer support for all my scripts, so if you have questions, just ask