The cat meat trade in China
And those damn French eat horses and Frogs!
Savages!Mr S
Not to hijack this thread at all . ..we are talking about Cats after all, but I had a chance to try Horse for the first time when I was in Italy last spring. As reluctant as I was to take a bite out of Mr. Ed or ol' Dobbin. . .it was delicious. I felt guilty about it, but it was good.
@unknownuser said:
AAAAWWWWW. . cute!
And Yet. . .so tasty. . .
How do you know until you've tried it?
@mr s said:
And those damn French eat horses and Frogs!
Savages!Mr S
I think the issue being raise is the treatment of the animals, not the fact theyre being eaten.
Well yeah and the title specificaly points to China. The point is we didn't invent battery farming so lay off. I personally would like try a Cat stew one day. But thats just me. I will try anything so long as it is not endangered.
Im sure you can see the animals in the above image are hardly enjoying themselves, ad if the article is to be believed conditions like that are pretty routine in china with little being done to stop it.
Compare that to the UK where there are laws protecting animals and ongoing research in to animal welfare.
@unknownuser said:
How do you know until you've tried it?
You're right. but it's a culinary experience I probably will never choose to partake of. But if that's what floats your boat. . .bon appetit.
I don't eat meat, but I have no problem with people's personal choices about eating meat or what animals are deemed ok to eat and what aren't. But the images on that website are disgustingly cruel. That is something I cannot abide, and no animal should suffer like that.
We all get eaten in the end! I have no problem with eating cat meat if this is part of the culture but all I would ask is that they be treated humanly before being slaughtered. I actually understand that the meat is more tender if the animal is not under stress before being slaughtered.
[floatl:9s4uc900]THIS IS[/floatl:9s4uc900]
Hmm... Who knows, maybe they consider cats like I do chickens? The way we see them, is as an animal that people keep in their houses to keep them company (well, I do). A change in perspective makes all the difference. Imagine they were chickens instead of cats... would you have the same reaction? Probably still negative, but maybe not as much. (not saying animal cruelty is good; I think it's horrid. Just that cats aren't the only ones.)
Notice that westerners do not normally eat carnivores--except seafood. Some animals like pigs and chicken are omnivores, but usually aren't given meat. Of course we've cheated by making cows eat cow brains. Oh, THAT paid off big. I think there is a cultural tradition against eating carnivores like cats and dogs, not just because they are pets.
@hebrides said:
You know there are some countries that outlaw the dismemberment of plants, trees because they respect their right to live.
Interesting how some have evolved and others have not.They must be level 5 vegans. They don't eat anything that casts a shadow.
(thats a Simpson's refernce)
Entry #2. -
I have a 22 year old forest cat. She talks. She has about a 20 sound vocab that serves her well. She has emotions/feelings like everyone else.
You know there are some countries that outlaw the dismemberment of plants, trees because they respect their right to live.
Interesting how some have evolved and others have not.If you ever thought you would like to eat a cat, google "cat conversation" watch the video. It should change your mind.
here---->> -
@hebrides said:
I have a 22 year old forest cat. She talks. She has about a 20 sound vocab that serves her well. She has emotions/feelings like everyone else.
You know there are some countries that outlaw the dismemberment of plants, trees because they respect their right to live.
Interesting how some have evolved and others have not.If you ever thought you would like to eat a cat, google "cat conversation" watch the video. It should change your mind.
here---->> now I just want to eat THAT cat
. And which country out laws dismemberment of plants? How does making a forest cat mime sounds humans produce make it more evolved? Surely it should be measured by its adeptness at survival in its own habitat?
I don't think cat meat taste good at all. Where I am from in China, Beijing actually. You won't find cat on the menu. In Canton region of China however everything is fair game. In Beijing you do get Dog meat (mainly Korean resturants) and Donkey meat (Shandong delicacy apparently). I've tried both (accidentally with dog meat) and have to say donkey meat is delicious.
Animals that are accepted as food don't really fall into our field of empathy. There are good evidence that the human race evolved our cranial capacity as a result of changing our diet to include more complex proteins i.e. meat. We've hunted the mamoth to extinction which sounds tragic but if our fore fathers didn't eat meat we won't be here to whine about how ethical it is. Now thats something to think about.
Animals eat other animals. We should be allowed to eat other animals too. And when animals kill other animals, sometimes it's quick, other times it can be extremely brutal. I think killing animals painlessly is fair enough; after all, for things to live, usually something else has to die.
Once again, on the topic itself, I don't think the things shown on that page are acceptable at all, and there should be more regulations put in place for the treatment of these cats while they're alive, and being killed; but as for eating meat, I don't have many sympathies.