House With a Glass Roofed Core
Thought I'd try a house with a glass roofed core. Sort of a greenhouse in the center of a house. I think the result is interesting but needs more development. I need to relook at how Renzo Piano handles the defusing of light in his glass roofs. There is also an Endless Pool to make my wife happy.
Hey Fred, long time no see... what!! no organic forms?
I like this, something that I would like for my home, I've always enjoyed atriums and courtyards, so this would be just perfect.
Nice concept Fred
yes nice concept, I built my home with an open glazed entrance / hall way (approx 9m x 2m) extending to another glazed hallway (getting direct sun) which leads to 3 bedrooms / my office. I have to say that I get VERY HOT in the summer and VERY cold in the winter, as the roof is not a good insulator, so word of warning really - great concept thought, just spend extra time / money to insulation as required. (You could always have a retractable roof)
Mind you its great the rest of the time, and ya get lots good comments.
Nice design Fred, I think an atrium in a house would be very cool!
Hey guys, thanks for the feedback.
Pete, trying to lay off curvy shapes for a while. I was thinking about getting your plant collection (now those are some real organic forms) to populate the atrium if I continue to develop the model.
idraft... I like the idea of something retractable, maybe fabric. Perhaps an old roller-reefed genoa sail.
I really like how Renzo Piano handles the glass in his Punte Nave workshop. This is the sort of look and feel I'm aiming for.
Images from Piano's website:
And here are another couple of options - they maybe on the expensive side but Kalwal has some options and has insulating factor.
I like the Paino web and glass roof, nice natural lighting. It appears to have operational control to the louvres mounted over a glazing system, with little structure polycarb option ($?) -
Thanks so much for the links. Some really interesting translucent panel solutions are available.
I think I'm inclined to lean toward some sort of fabric shading system and not give up the transparent glass.
Below are a few night renders of the atrium house. They are a quite dark but they provide an impression of how the house might appear at night.