My Images of the day
Marvellous work.
Dear Paul,
I know that this sounds a bit wacky, but have you thought of a using glass floors in your design so that the mosaic is still visible? Yea, I know, wacky!
Bob -
I had thought of it but as I'm 'just' the 3D guy and 'not' an architect my opinion doesn't carry much weight around here when it comes to design ideas.
But...... I do plan on putting my ideas on the table.-
Replace the existing full depth floor with glass and lighting it from below but then I thought about how you would clean the covered area or replace the lights.
Have the risers of the steps in glass block with lights behind and either marble or timber as the goings/level areas, again maintenance would be a problem.
Marble risers with a new mosaic design for the goings/level areas, could be too fussy.
We'll see, its early days for this one but time's a ticking as a design will have to be resolved soon.
Amazing work....and materials in some renders are fantastic. I like oak very much...
I'm wondering how big this model is. 80 - 90 MB?
how clean and, neat
.thanks very much
Paul Russam -
Thanks for all the nice comments, they truly make a difference.
@unknownuser said:
I'm wondering how big this model is. 80 - 90 MB?
The model is about 50-60mb at the moment, it was smaller but I went through it recently and 'upped' the detail on some of the parts that were bugging me, the round tops to the column bases, the roses at the end of the beading around the arches etc.
I've probably overdone the textures on the new floors as they make the altar walls look a bit blurry in comparison. I'm tempted to remake the textures as higher res but that's just the sadomasochist in me talking -
My God,
I feel so inadequate now. This is beautiful. How long did it take you to model this? What settings did you use in TW and how long did it take this thing to render?Looking at the sanctuary, this place looks like it would be dark at night. Is there any thought to update the lighting?
I would say that you have mastered this software. Amazing and inspiring. Thank you Mr. Russam!
I did another Twilight Render last night.
SU Scene:
After 14h25m at 1200x850:
After a bit of Post Processing:
And for reference, a photo of the real thing:
Here's a link to the Picasa album with the full size images: -
The only difference I see is that the real photo has a lot more light coming in from the windows.
Perhaps rising "Sky Brightness" and "Maximum Sun Intensity" values from the Sun/Sky tab in Twilight's Light Editor might help get a bit closer to the real thing. Especially "Sky Brightness". But this is just nitpicking; you've done an amazing modeling job, Paul. You are really pushing SketchUp's limits.
A couple of Twilight updates:
After 2h22m
After 3h
Managed to get a subtle bump on the tiles
This one is cooking overnight, but this is what I got after 50m
As usual the full res ones are on my Picasa album:
OK then, after 14h05m here's what we got:
Gamma 1.0 Exposure 0.7
Gamma 1.0 Exposure 0.6
Gamma 1.0 Exposure 0.5
Gamma 1.0 Exposure 0.4
The last one is by far the best settings.
Well done to all involved with Twilight, and of course Sketchup, For this to render without crashing is a true achievement.As usual Full res images in Picasa Album:
I can only repeat myself...
This is absolutely STUNNING work...!!
Ditto that....Thanks for posting these, Paul!
incredible. stunning. wowoww...
Thanks all for the fantastic comments, they mean a lot.
After having worked on this damn project for so long I can't see it as anything else other than a collection of minor annoyances that need fixing, making better etc. So its always nice when fresh sets of eyes see it and write such nice comments.
The phrase 'Familiarity Breeds Contempt' rings a bell
Just so you know I do work on other projects, lots of them in fact, but non really worth posting here.
Hi Paul,
Your work is indeed very impressive. I am fairly new to 3d modeling with SketchUp and am amazed what people like yourself can do with it. I have a friend from NI and was wondering what City or Town this church is in.Keep up the great work.
Gregory -
Its in Lurgan, on North St.Here's a link for Bing Maps, I'd have used Google but they have very little of NI covered. -
Mr Russam, all this thread is just unbelievable.
Thanks for posting this.
Wow, Paul! As usual FANTASTIC work!