Mac v Win
Just a question. If a Mac user buys a Prius, will the overdose of smug kill him?
@johnsenior1973 said:
Just a question. If a Mac user buys a Prius, will the overdose of smug kill him?
only if he doesnt get trampled by the crowd chasing him because he's so cool.
I now find myself with both PC's and a Mac, I look after 20ish PC's running XP at work and personally have a Macbook Pro (New Unibody thankyou very much).
I love my Mac, I love the way it looks, the way it works, the way software 'just works' etc etc etc.
But.....I don't think I'd want them in the office, XP also 'Just works', OK it takes me half a day to get a new machine strip't of the junkware, AutoCAD, AV, Drivers etc installed and it setup to work with our network but after that it 'just works'. I/we get maybe one BSOD across the network about every 2 months and the server (2003) keeps going 24h a day.
It you made me choose then the person in me would choose the Mac and the IT manager in me would choose XP.
I've used Vista and all I can say (in a domestic environment) is mehh, and? but in a server based network environment its an absolute piece of bovine excrement. MS completely changed the way profiles work in Vista and to make them work with Server 2003 involves some hyper complex jumping through hoops on both the workstation and the server side. After 2 days!! of trying to get MS Vista to work with MS server I gave up and came very close to throwing the PC out a window. The PC is still sitting on a shelf doing nothing as you can't even install XP on it!!
Ironically the 1 piece of software that I love on the PC but find annoying on the Mac is our very own Sketchup! I hate the way the materials dialog works on the Mac, I hate it that on the PC the layers toolbar will change the selected object's layer but on the Mac it changes the current working layer. These 2 alone prevent me from doing anything other than displaying models I've previously created.
I think the nearest I can come to a comparison of Mac v PC is, say between a Landrover Discovery (LR3 in the US) and a RangeRover. They both do the same thing, both carry the same number of people, will both climb the same mountain etc. But... if you can justify the price difference you'll get more pleasure from driving/being in the RangeRover.
@unknownuser said:
I think I'll just reformat it, Chris; and load Linux with Wine....whenever I get a spare week to offload all the stuff.
You can install Ubuntu in about 2O minutes, fairly simple. Now Gimp and Open Office are so good, I could switch to linux completely if it wasn't for a shortage of good cad apps and sketchup. Much as I love macs, I don't consider Mac purists to "think different" because Apple is just as restrictive, if not more so than Microsoft.
@johnsenior1973 said:
Just a question. If a Mac user buys a Prius, will the overdose of smug kill him?
John, A true Mac user would never buy a Prius they would buy a Honda Insight. It looks 'nice' like the Mac
@remus said:
They only have to rip off the mac ads and they cant even do that well!
meanwhile mac ads have to bash pc's, its like an election or something. the truth is there's not that much difference. we had an old mac at work and it actually crashed waaaay more than any pc.
another thing, i'll only say this once (again), if OSX or whatever its called had to handle 15000 (modestly) different hardware manufacturers pumping out all kinds of junk peripherals with crap drivers like microsoft does..... KABOOM!!!! NO MORE STABILITY. its amazing that windows runs at all if you think about it.
But Apple don't have that business approach. They work within their means and provide a good service. They don't want to take over the world just make it better for those willing to buy their products.
They did go down that road for a while but saw sense in good time, thankfully
I don't want to appear smug, its just in good fun.
I have converted a few friends to Macs as I was converted by my daughter. They continuously thank me. I have no shares in Apple. All I want to do is let people know that my MacBook Pro (second one now) has made my life a lot easier. Mac are far from perfect but they are a lot less troublesome than PC running Microsoft wares.
a computer is a computer. all dem fanboys get really worked up about this
@xrok1 said:
@remus said:
another thing, i'll only say this once (again), if OSX or whatever its called had to handle 15000 (modestly) different hardware manufacturers pumping out all kinds of junk peripherals with crap drivers like microsoft does..... KABOOM!!!! NO MORE STABILITY. its amazing that windows runs at all if you think about it.
This is a VERY good point. Although I don't think MS feels responsible for every piece of hardware--the hardware makers have to match their work to the OS or not be able to sell it. Mac's also can be loaded with after-market hardware, they just control what goes in beforehand.
When MacOS was licensed to other computer makers, I think it gave Apple a kick in the a$$. There was some good stuff happening. Some of it was not seen again for a while. Then Jobs came back and the licensing ceased (I know not in which order), but that seems to have been the right choice for Apple.
In either platform the integration with peripherals and soft has been largely solved. On my Mac I just plug printers and devices in and they work. Sometimes I have to load drivers. New and old (some very old) software usually works. I think it's the same with Windows, compared with the past.
@mike lucey said:
But Apple don't have that business approach. They work within their means and provide a good service. They don't want to take over the world just make it better for those willing to buy their products.
They did go down that road for a while but saw sense in good time, thankfully
Wow, a corporation with a conscience, thats a new approch.
(cough! bullshit!) I think people give apple too much credit and fall for they're advertising. i call it greed (AKA sony betamax) they have both ends of the market, software and hardware. I bet any shareholder out there including 'Jobs' would trade there apple stocks for Microsoft stocks without blinking. Microsoft is simply more progressive and innovative period. there's really no disputing it. i think bashing Microsoft is just a hobby for some people and we should consider that most of us would never have even owned a computer if it wasn't for the PC.
Its a pity microsoft cant produce any products people really want to use while theyre being 'innovative' and 'progressive'.
One needs a reasonable understanding of a subject before you can debate it. Calling another's thoughts 'bullshit' does not cut it.
Mike (my REAL name
This will never be resolved. Play nice.
just as i was getting ready for a good arguement
I recently just tried to clone my laptop HD with windows Vista so I can put a bigger drive in it. It turns out to be so much a pain in the ass that I ended just installing the new HD. On Mac it took SuperDuper something like 2 hours to clone the drive and I stuck it in and no sweat... Partitioning in Windows Vista is the same story. I really hope windows 7 sort things out.
I also hope it does also for the sake of Windows users that are stuck with this OS.
I have both. I love the new I-MAC. It looks great. I set it to dual boot, which now defaults to XP.
I also bought the new mac key board and mouse for my PC. (LOL)I love the drag and drop interface of the MAC. Not many PC applications have even heard of this feature, yet. But, If you visit the MAC forum, I see they have problems similar to PC users.
I run simply to many applications that are PC based that I can't afford to give up. In the mean time the I-MAC just sits there looking pretty
I too have an Imac, pretty thing actually, works great, all neat and clean except for desktop that seems to be the default place everything land on and can look clustered very fast. Anyhow, I hate SU on Mac, and well that's about all that works on Mac that I need for work, so the Mac is my oversized Ipod, great for streaming movies, watching youtube junk and for the kids to play with garage band. For the serious work I need a PC, preferably with XP and all my apps that make my living.
I really do like Mac's they are well built solid machines, but with only about 10% of market share they do not command the software support they would need for the masses to follow.
I wish I could switch over to Bootcamp with 'click' instead of having to shut down first. Parallels and others don't run the graphics card at full power as far as I can see so they are not much use for the Win software that need to use on occasion.
There are reports that Mac running under Bootcamp can get more mpg than PCs. course a €15 USB Keyboard is useful also