Modo 401 coming!
401 looks good so far. Yet, if it's not 64 bit, I'm gonna fly to the US and kick Peeblers's @ss.
Pretty cool:
Not that I'm by any means good at modeling with modo yet, but recently I'm finding it's become pretty indispensable to me, as it enables me to keep modeling with SU at a basic level. Bye-bye white screens and waiting til SU catches it's breath.
What's your SU+modo workflow, Scott? I've taken to running SU and modo simultaneously. Say I've already modeled some walls in SU. I export those via .obj to modo. After that, I don't close SU - whenever I want to add something, say, kitchen cabinets - I drop in an elongated box of the right dimensions in SU, export again, import into modo, et voilà, pops right into the correct spot, all ready to be refined. You gotta keep an eye on your item list, to keep it tidy, but so far this approach seems to work well for me. Best of both worlds!
Well that is very close to my approach. This is typically what I do:
I start a rough model in SU (just get the basic shape), then I export as a OBJ into modo (I too never close SU but rarely come back at this point. Then within modo I start to group meshes (yes, keep the model tidy). The thing with modo or any subdivison modeler is to keep switching from your subdivided model back to your unsubdivided model. This way you are truly only placing the poly's where they need to be and the model will still subdivide well. I never fully subdivide my model just in case I want to bring it back into SU. Without subdividing the complete model, I can bring the model back into SU taking the poly counts through the roof. I never texture in SU anymore since Modo has such good UV tools. I do only add color to the model so that it is easier to texture in Modo. Have you tried to use the sketchup importer yet? If not do not waste your time as it is extremely buggy, hence the reason they are not selling it yet. I beta tested it for a while but it is still far from ready for the masses. Importing in as an obj is still by far the way to go.
hey guys,
I'm trying to figure out this pipeline also. When i export from sketchup as an obj. and import to modo all i get is a wire frame with no polygons. how do you get the import correct? the skp. importer gives me all triangulated faces which i can't stand!
@ Scott: As Gaganraj points out, the .skp importer triangulates (almost) everything. That's the reason why I don't use it either. As for UV-ing, I've been taking a look into that, lately. Not very good at it yet, but progress is being made.
All in all, modo does indeed offer good value for it's money. Side note: how many of us need Max or Maya?
I do sincerely hope, however, that they improve their renderer. I've seen only very few modo renders that come close to Vray's output. Them Luxology boys are smart enough to know that themselves, I think.
@ Gaganraj: switch to item mode and click on the object, either in the viewport or in the item list. That should do it. Oh ... the reason for the mesh being displayed in wireframe mode, is that it isn't "active", and you got inactive meshes set to be displayed this way. You can change this, if you like. If so, press 'o' (hey! that rhymes!), and take it from there.
cool! thanks. i realized the inactive mesh thing right after I posted. thanks again.
one thing i've noticed, is after i import something as simple as a box, i cant edge bevel. the polygons fall apart. is there something that needs to be done in sketchup pre-export?
thanks again.
I use Vray as my main renderer but can say without a doubt that i the right hands (not mine yet) can beat Vray not only in terms of output quality but by far in speed. 401 makes great strides in terms of render output also
The UV tools have been far enhanced also with the new UV handles. It will make texturing a breeze if it is not already.
Modo looks like a cool modeling suite.
For architectural projects it is not accurate enough but I can see it run in a SU combo.Would you guys like to share some images of the experiments you did?
I am currently learning C4D and Rhino. Since Modo is getting a lot of attention these days, I might skip C4D and go for Modo, but I need to be sure it can be good for architecture as well...
I would use Modo as a archviz tool, especially for animation as SU sucks at it. -
Modo is more than accurate for archviz modeling/rendering as that is my typical use. I will have to look at some of my work (when I get to work) and see what I can show. Much of what we do is limited due to agreements with clients. C4D is a capable program but I think the learning curve is far larger than Modo not to mention costs between the two.
@gaganraj said:
one thing i've noticed, is after i import something as simple as a box, i cant edge bevel. the polygons fall apart. is there something that needs to be done in sketchup pre-export?
Obj export settings: check all, except "triangulate all faces" and "export edges". Works for me.
@ Kwist: nothing to show just yet! Still learning! However, you might want to check this out:
Fun vid.
@ Scott: how do get your modo models back into SU? I export obj's out of modo, open them in Silo, and then save as 3DS. Bit tedious!
Does 401 have native .skp support?
I think there is an importer available, although it is very buggy form what i hear. not sure about export.
skp import works fine more me. obj import from sketchup is doing weird things on my mac though.
I have, and used the sketchup importer but as I said it is buggy (currently). Obj import is what I have found to be the best option and I am on a MAC and PC and have not noticed any difference between the two with importing.
I also have silo professional 2.1 and it is a great and simple program but has quite a bit of overlap in offerings to modo so I do not find myself using it much.
As far as bringing a model out of modo back into SU...I have to ask why? I almost never do this unless a model was only taken into Modo to take advantage of the UV/Texturing tools. I rough a model in SU then import into Modo and that is where the model 9 times out of 10 will Modo. I really have no reason to bring a model back into SU. SU can not handle the polys that one will add in Modo typically, especially if there is any real detail done and truly that is the reason for Modo right? Doing the things that are either hard to do in SU or can not be done in SU as quickly as I can do in Modo.
I think what needs to be remembered is this is all about workflow and taking advantage of each program for its strengths and using them for those strengths. SU does not have things like (not that I would want all these tools in SU:
Native rendering
Extensive UV tools
Sub-division modeling (yes I have and use SDS but it is not the same as Modo natively).
Replicators (401)
Paint/Displacement PaintingOk, yes there are plugins in one fashion or another that will add some of these features to SU but not to the extent that a program like Modo does. I am not trying to compare SU to Modo on the same level, it is just showing the workflow between the 2.
I'm asking because you said this:
@unknownuser said:I never fully subdivide my model just in case I want to bring it back into SU.
Made me curious.The main reason for bringing modo models into SU (for me), is that I don't own Max/VRay 4 Max. I'd love to, obviously, but errr ... pricey combo. I cannot possibly justify paying an arm and a leg for Max, and merely use it as a "go between app". I've read someone's working on Vray 4 Blender, though. That might be very interesting. (
@unknownuser said:
I think what needs to be remembered is this is all about workflow and taking advantage of each program for its strengths and using them for those strengths.
I agree. The combination of both apps really does give you the best of both worlds. I'm glad I finally bit the bullet, and started to take advantage of my modo license. My needs aren't that impressive - I'm not into modeling armies of Orcs or chesty elves slaying dragons - but it is nice to be able to add that little bit 'extra' to my models.
Yes there are a few times (very few) where I might take an SU model into Modo to take advantage of a quick bevel, Bend, twist or something like that that can be done much quicker and easier in Modo than trying to do the same action in SU. For the most part once a model gets into Modo it stays there. As far as not having MAX (No need for an overinflated/overpriced app) I would say look at DeepExploration for a conversion tool. It handles hundreds of formats and does a great job and is still cheaper than MAX. I know MAX is a industry standard, but I think with the shake up in the economy and the fact that cheaper programs are coming out with the same capabilities will start to change some of that thinking. You will still have Maya for any CA work and I do not think that is going to change much, but for standard modeling/rendering/Texturing capabilities I see no need for spending thousands for an apps name and recognition.
As you start to play more and more with Modo it is hard to not see the amazing capabilities of the app and when you compare the offerings who would spend MAX's kind of money? What can MAX do natively that the masses would use that Modo can not? That is a tough one as I do not know of anything that Modo can not match MAX on.
Looks like Modo is da Bomb. Much more fun to get into than waiting for Sketchup to get better (yawn).
A little crit: Deep Exploration is a very expensive app. Very good though.
Agreed expensive but comes in very handy. I am not sure if there is another cheaper alternative.
Yes, you will love it and the learning curve is quite small. The video tutorials are the cheapest I have found for any app and very well done if you need them.
I'm off to go finally check out modo. I'm fed up with the whole autodesk monopoly. If modo can crank out GI renders and is close to SU for modelling I'm sold.
More preview madness. Scroll down to the movie.
All the new "toys" looks great. I think where Modo is still missing the mark, is in implementing more accuracy into their modeling toolset. I don't see why they don't understand that there are potentially a few hundred thousand users who would flock to Modo from the Arch Viz community if they would implement a better cad style spline setup. If they would incorporate something similar to LWCAD, they would convert a lot of people who are fed up of forking over subscription money to autodesk, or those who are looking for more polycount from the SU community. I would rather see this than a fur generator, but that's just me.
I'm excited about the irradiance cache addition to the render engine. This should make it a more adaptive solution.