Making groups of loose geometry
(EDIT: The question is how do I put existing geometry into a group. The rest is background info)
Hi, I am writing a script that takes all loose geometry and turns everything into groups. It should work by turning all connected into a group, then moving on to the next portion of connected loose geometry and then turning that into a group and so on and so on until all loose geometries have been turned into groups.
I thought I would be able to select all geometry, then start selecting the first entity and select all connected and then pass those entities off to an array named ents. So once I have my ents array setup, how do I tell SU to make a new group and move the entities in ents into that group? Does it work like that? Do I have to redraw everything inside of that group instead of just sort of moving the existing geometry there? I was hoping that the line below would do what I wanted, but it doesnt
group = ents.add_group
It just breaks the code. So instead I tried to make a group of all gemoetry which is why I used the line below
group = entities.add_group
And I've found that it just creats an empty group. It doesn't actually add "entities" to the group.
So what is the way to put existing geometry into a group? Here's all of my code so far.
model = Sketchup.active_model entities = model.active_entities entity = entities[0] ents = entity.all_connected if (ents) group = entities.add_group ents.clear if (group) UI.messagebox group else UI.messagebox "No Group" end else UI.messagebox "Failure" end
Sorry its so long for something so basic,
new_group = entities.add_group(array_of_entities)
Btw, what's your main source for API references? The reference documentation ( or the wiki style documentation?
The wiki styled ref usually have more info.
As you see in the wiki's description of add_group, it contains more info of it's usage:
See, its just that easy. You know I can't find that documented in the API. It only says that add_group is used to make an empty array.
Thanks Thom!
Yea, I dunno why there's two separate sources for this. None of which is complete...
I usually try the wiki, then the other source, then I ask here for help if I still can't work it out.
Another way to find out info is to use the Ruby console and type .methods for the various objects. For instance, I wanted to get the scaling of a group/component. So I look up the Transformation class. In the wiki docs it lists .scaling and .rotation as available methods. (The other resource got nothing on that topic) However, .scaling and .rotation returns error to me.
But if I select a component and type this into the console:
I get this:
["rotx", "instance_variable_get", "to_s", "send", "identity?", "clone", "nil?", "roty", "instance_variable_set", "set!", "inspect", "instance_eval", "xscale", "invert!", "dup", "equal?", "rotz", "inverse", "methods", "yscale", "taint", "eql?", "origin", "hash", "singleton_methods", "zscale", "instance_of?", "extend", "xaxis", "id", "protected_methods", "tainted?", "kind_of?", "untaint", "yaxis", "__id__", "*", "private_methods", "is_a?", "freeze", "display", "zaxis", "object_id", "public_methods", "==", "===", "respond_to?", "type", "instance_variables", "=~", "method", "frozen?", "__send__", "to_a", "class"]
Note how different that is. And note the methods: rotx, roty, rotz, xscale, yscale and zscale... sigh
Ahh, the wiki! I had forgotten that the wiki was there. i was not looking in that.
And thanks for the heads up on methods. I had seen someone else mention it earlier, so I use it once in a while. But I'm normally not great at just being able to see the available methods and choosing the one I need and figuring it out on my own. I generally need a bit of an example with syntax.....oh syntax.
I'm getting there though, little by little. When this script is done, I'll post it and I'm pretty sure it will be a #1 seller
Thanks Thom,