Control Idea...
How about giving some joints input/output settings; so the position of one joint acts as the controller for another. Or just allow the user to put the name of one joint as another's controller... both of these options would need to allow the controller input to be inverted, which would be useful anyway.
This would allow things like physical buttons, switches and sliders, and if x and y settings were allowed, joysticks. More complex stuff, like a working readout (e.g. a speedometer), or a slow-moving slider controlling acceleration on a vehicle, would be possible this way. I have next to no idea what's possible with the Newton engine, so I hope this fits into the 'doable' category; Thanks!
Chris is on the last leg of finishing SP3. (at last!) There probably won't be enough time to insert that idea in. Even so, it seems like a rather complex suggestion. However, there is still hope for sketchyphysics 4.
It wont be in 3.0 but its planned for SPIV. It is a little tricky since you can connect multiple objects to any joint. So it would be ambiguous which object position to output.
Well, I was never expecting it to be in SP3. I suppose in some cases that could be a problem, but if a joint was made just to be a switch, you wouldn't be connecting more than one object to it. In fact, I don't think I've ever connected multiple objects to one joint...
The joints must have some value. A slider ranges from 0 to 1 X the range + the min value.
Can't you access that value to reference in another joint's controller?