Congratulations Crazy Eyes
..for having the most popular model right now on the 3D Warehouse - the Maldour Bug.
Ha, Just saw "Congratulations Crazy Eyes" and had to look. How is it that that is the most popular model? it's only made out of spheres.
Well, thanks all those that have taken a look at the model, and thanks Jim for letting me know about it.
Crazy Eyes
Here, I thought that I'd render it.
From what I can tell, it is the number of views that is driving the popularity: 68000 (and counting) views in the last 7 days is a remarkable number. It's about 7 times the number of views of the next most popular model.
Jamming CE,
Bug blasting gland pack -- I Jack bird dig on that action.
Pour a cold one, and finish off the egg nog.
Durant "want bugs in my loins" Hapke