Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
It's been an interesting diversion while it lasted. I do have to say I'm not overly comfortable making fun of people, so from that perspective I'm not sad this thread will die. Kevin, you must know that you're pissing people off by not FIRST trying to help yourself regarding your export/import issue (or whatever it was) and your overall forum demeanor needs improvement.
I love it, espresso...
I figured it wouldn't be long until the principal found out what was going on in the playground and broke up all the fun...I guess he has a point...this thread wasn't exactly putting out best feet forward..but it made for some amusing content, creative photoshopping, and all around witty bantor...even if it was at Kevin's self inflicted expense...
Kevin's social skills are peculiar but he's a kid. We don't need a whipping boy. Mike is right to pull the plug.
Your right, a kid. But leave a kid in a room with a tin of paint and a brush and he can make quite a mess.
Kevin thrives on attention ...positive or negative...and he got heaps of it here.
He's already started another thread in the guessed it...the beginings of a car.
I really think it would be good to leave him to his own devices and stop engaging him as we did here.And let the moderators come up with their own solution for Kevin's habit of continual and mass thread bumping.
I understand everyone having a guilt trip about this thread (it has been a guilty pleasure), but lets not forget Kevin forfeited his right to be treated as a child when he claimed to be a 22 year old married law student and boasted about driving around in an expensive luxury car. Most forums would have torn him to shreds, we had a few laughs at his expense. It kept him occupied for a week and reduced his spamming of the rest of the board by about 95%.... result!
Someone should get him signed up to the SCF Junior Forums (good luck to their moderators!).
That was kind of the limit his nonsense to one thread. Now that the fun is over, we can all wander over to Flame Warriors and see which profile fits you best.
What a great site, alan.
@jackson said:
I understand everyone having a guilt trip about this thread (...)
Not me. Noooo, sir! But then I have an evil streak.
While I understand why this thread will be removed, I'm fairly certain - and I'm sure I'm not the only one - that this'll only lead to the K-meister spamming the rest of the forum. Hell, he's already started to do that, as Stu pointed out.
I still veer massively towards Kevin being a troll character made up by someone to try and prove a point over the bumping issue. Actually, I hope that is the case, because it is a bit of a frightening thought that Kevin is a real person.
This thread has been funny, but I think if Kevin displays the same nonsense elsewhere as he's done here, he should just be banned. On my part I'm not going to feed him on other threads, but the mods have to do their bit and not allow what has happened here to occur throughout the forums.
@johnsenior1973 said:
On my part I'm not going to feed him on other threads (...)
Agreed, that seems like the best approach. One thread like this is funny, a myriad of them is not.
As for Kevin not being real, that does sound like a fairly viable analysis to me, though I dare not comment on the reasons why anyone would come up with a stunt like this.
In any case, if The Kevster starts cr@pping all over the forum, the mods should indeed intervene. Look, John, we agree on something!
Agreed. I've no intention of feeding his thread in the Gallery or anywhere else. Real or a persona, the guy is not conducive to the well-being of the forum.
Well said any other annoyance if you ignore him he wont get the attention he craves and he will go fill up someone else's forum with "WTF?"s.
I'm going to keep my Kevniture...just for old time sake I noticed Tom you got rid of yours....
that was one of the classics!
but still. there were 6 wtfs on a page, and 1/4 of it was kid so thats 3/4s? exactly, this was out of the gallery about 1/7 of its life (5/37 to be exact) it still blows my mind how ling this lived, and now i am starting to agree with stus 20 or so posts saying to lock it that minus well have happened on page 20.
Still, it was fun, and i think that now im going to lose 1/2 my posts but who cares? hey deleting this is probelly the best thing yet.
hey its just my opinion. and sometime down the line you are going to ask for that document and laugh about this topic's stupidity.
Hey im still laughing about the signature thing just
lol -
@kdsdesign said:
its your falt for turning 1/2 the posts into WTFs
Hi, Kevin.
Frankly, you seem to be missing the point, and you've been missing it ever since you joined the SCF. From day one, you've behaved in a manner that, be it on the internet or in real life, is generally frowned upon. Therefore it isn't very surprising that your posts have spawned the reactions they did. In short: you've asked for it. Repeatedly. In a whiny voice.
Contrary to what you may think right now, the SCF is a friendly place, where people will generally be more than willing to help a fellow SU user out. In return, they ask nothing but some common decency, and a simple 'thank you' every now and again. If you manage to keep that in mind, I'm sure that, in time, you'll be getting a lot more out of your membership than you're doing right now.
Again: we're a friendly bunch. But that in no way means that our patience is endless. There will come a point that, if you continue to behave like you've done so far, we will go 'meh' and collectively turn our backs on you. From that point on, none of us will go through the trouble of answering your questions, or even merely looking at your posts.
The choice, of course, is all yours.
All the best,
thanks about that.
@johnsenior1973 said:
I still veer massively towards Kevin being a troll character made up by someone to try and prove a point over the bumping issue.
@unknownuser said:
As for Kevin not being real, that does sound like a fairly viable analysis to me, though I dare not comment on the reasons why anyone would come up with a stunt like this.
C'mon guys, give it a rest with the conspiracy theories!
As myself and Stu were the only ones vocal against the blog threads in the Gallery (although 1/3 of respondants agreed with us
) I guess that would make us the most likely suspects for such a wheeze. Do you really think either of us (or anyone for that matter) would have the time (or the pettiness) to devote a month of their time to post nearly 300 posts on SCF (Stu's total is just over 400, mine a little over 1000 over a period of a year), register over at the V-Ray for SU forums, create a "blog", at least two 3D Warehouse accounts with dozens of models and an Imageshack account? Having discussed both the "bumping" issue and Kevin's spamming at length with Stu by PM (and recently with moderators at the V-Ray forums) I can confidently rule myself and Stu out as the masterminds behind little Kevin Smith (I'm sure Csaba could run a quick IP check and rule out Sweden or Australia as a source anyway). If there just happens to be an SCF member who lives in New York (if that is where Kevin is from and he hasn't blocked his IP), who felt strongly enough about bumping threads and had the imagination and the spare time to concoct such a prank, then I'll eat my words, but until they 'fess up, I'll leave the conspiracy theories to others. If someone did create the little fella, I'd give them an Oscar!;u=39252
(Cue the conspiracy theorists' inevitable response of "Ah, but the lady doth protest too much!
You minus well get used to it: I think it's my new catchphrase!