Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
@pav_3j said:
everyone on this thread must be so fond of scrolling, so i figured i'd make you scroll for no reason.
happy christmas.
there was reason before?
it's gone way past parody and is now into the realms of the surreal.
the material just writes itself to be fair.
OK..on a more serious note..
also, was my insperation good
(maserati) -
with regards to the inspiration, yes it's very good, it's a maserati for gods sake.
with regards to what you have done, it's hard to tell, as it is nowhere near done.
hows about finishing it so this isn't such a waste of time?
the reason why i am slowly working on it is becuase my last car was crap and i dont want this to be, i want it to be good.
also side vents completed.
well spend less time on here "fishing", and more time doing young man!
he he
stu, can you smell sarcasm?
he he, brilliant.
I had the best (store bought frozen) chicken cordon bleu for dinner tonight. Excellent!
@kdsdesign said:
the reason why i am slowly working on it is becuase my last car was crap and i dont want this to be, i want it to be good.
also side vents completed.
Here's my favorite W(H)IP.
Hmmmmm... I think Kevin should make an appointment to see her....he's been a Very Naughty Boy!!!
Just read this thread, it was like a long walk through a desert
and then at the end of it
more desert
For me reading this thread is more like a long walk through a dessert!
This is going to sound sarcastic, but I am absolutely sincere: thanks everyone for turning this thread from an inane, meaningless, self-indulgent spam by a lying little brat, ehem, sorry I mean "imaginative" little treasure, into a genuinely hilarious thread!
It almost makes his spamming of the CB worth it and after all, if the troll is going to spam the forum regardless, we may as well feed him in just one place and keep him busy!
... and don't forget, if somebody's imaginary wife runs you over in their imaginary car and you want to sue, I know just the imaginary lawyer to do it!