Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
Looking good, dont forget to keep your faces pointing the right way, though.
@marked001 said:
I"m sure no one is intentionally being mean..this is the friendliest board EVER...
@johnsenior1973 said:
@earthmover said:
I'm dying to know exactly what law school you are attending.
He's top of his class at the University of Fantasyland - LaLa. Very respected program, but very disapointing that the education is so expensive that the students have to rely on such sub-standard computers. Maybe Larry Page and Sergey Brin will be interested in sponsoring him through school?
uhh yeah. read his other posts.
heck. anyone know a good car tutorial? i hope to make cars in SU before switching to a $2000 car design program -
a student with $2000 dollars to spend on software?
you lucky sausage!
there are loads on youtube, defo worth a look.
thanks pav
Actually i have to agree with a few of the guys above.
back a few pages you said:
@unknownuser said:
my computer is 5 years old and SU crashes when i get something
I guess having 2k available to spend, maybe a new rig should get first priority... you think?
@pav_3j said:
a student with $2000 dollars to spend on software?
you lucky sausage!
there are loads on youtube, defo worth a look.
. I do ALL my stuff for FREE. Haven't spent a cent in sketchup (unless you count the cost of internet and buying a computer), and don't plan to anytime soon.
By the way, why would you want to spend 2000$ on a program for designing cars if you're a law student? Fun?
...Quite a bit for a leisure toy. I'd buy a PS3, and still have most of the money left over(maybe buy a flat-screen if I can find a deal somewheres...)
's far as cars go...
I WOULD make a tutorial, but after the painstakingly boring steps to completing my first car, I pretty much vowed not to make another car*.
Yes, it won't be long until we reach this kind of level.
Well imagine what it would be like if we had 5 or 6 kids, who arent taking their ADHD medication, running around here? -
"STILL MY MODEL!!! the gun is a port from the Halo Game. PLZ RATE AND REVIEW! DON'T BE MEAN WHEN U DO!! also the model is much less space cus i purged it . so its easie to use. and the arms are more movable. enjoy! update (now i have a fue more guns) update! PLZ TAKE OFF UR RATING SHITIKA!!!"
lol. Just had to quote it. My, I feel old when reading something like this.
KDDESIGN, Solo's quite right. You may want to consider spending that $2000 on a new computer, rather than on software. Better yet, save a little more, and buy yourself a really decent piece of hardware. And as for software, if curvy surfaces is your thing, why don't you start out by using Moment of Inspiration? Affordable, and it doesn't have a steep learning curve. Baby steps, young man, baby steps.
@unknownuser said:
"STILL MY MODEL!!! the gun is a port from the Halo Game. PLZ RATE AND REVIEW! DON'T BE MEAN WHEN U DO!! also the model is much less space cus i purged it . so its easie to use. and the arms are more movable. enjoy! update (now i have a fue more guns) update! PLZ TAKE OFF UR RATING SHITIKA!!!"
lol. Just had to quote it. My, I feel old when reading something like this.
KDDESIGN, Solo's quite right. You may want to consider spending that $2000 on a new computer, rather than on software. Better yet, save a little more, and buy yourself a really decent piece of hardware. And as for software, if curvy surfaces is your thing, why don't you start out by using Moment of Inspiration? Affordable, and it doesn't have a steep learning curve. Baby steps, young man, baby steps.
you think THAT makes you feel old
? take a look at this: -
C'mon, BTM, at leat that's funny!
If only you could see my first models uploaded to the WareHouse (thank God I have had a bad HD crash ever since)
@solo said:
Actually i have to agree with a few of the guys above.
back a few pages you said:
@unknownuser said:
my computer is 5 years old and SU crashes when i get something
I guess having 2k available to spend, maybe a new rig should get first priority... you think?
yeah, you have a point, but however, i used Disk Defragmenter before i made the car, so it works better, i also deleted old junk i never use, AOL (expired) i use AT&T now.
also i deleted all my junk models (about uhh 20%) like the boxes i experimented with when i first started. lolagain, i still want a mac. i started using it at BestBuy when i had to install F drive cuz C drive had like 2mb left. or just trade in my vista for a better one. (BTM did you have a PC before and know a program to transfer files form PC to Mac?)
you got that right
All the better to start afresh and make a better one.
i need a not youtube tutorial, like a downloadable one, not a vidio