From Render To Reality
I thought it might be interesting to start a thread where we could post, preferably along with pictures, projects in which we started on sketchup...and then translated into reality. almost certainly a relatively small scale project. I play guitar and I like to hang my guitars on the wall as a decoration...rather than storing them in their cases. So, I have a fairly large empty area at the end of my hallway that I thought would be nice for hanging an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar and a banjo. But, i wanted to paint something interesting as a I picked out this diamond pattern. I planned it all in sketchup, and then spent a lot of time using painters tape...and waiting for paint to dry. I'm satisfied with the outcome so far.
By the isn't really shiny like that.
I posted mine back in September:
It's presently under snow, and I'll get back to work on it in the spring.
This is an excellent idea...
Back in May 2008, I posted the Designed in SU thread, where you can see some renders as well as some real photoes...
Another project I've been working on is the house where my parents in law live...