Prince IO Sketchup Game Demo
Hey everyone,
I've finally found the time to assemble a ZIP containing the knight game demo that I presented at Google IO last year. Unzip the contents into your Sketchup Plugins directory, then look for a new menu item under Plugins > Knight Game
Too big to upload to the forums, so you can get it here...
It's about 4mb.
</edit>This is an example of using a Ruby WebDialog to capture key strokes and control SU in a fun way. You can hear more details from the original preso:
Special thanks to Todd Burch for cleaning up the code and adding sound effects! If you could see my original demo code (and you never will!), you'd know why he's my hero.
And apologies to the community for taking so long to share.
could we have the .zip please?
(remus, the link is given above) -
Amazing game!!!
Great work!!Thank you,
Daniel S -
Thanks Scott, can feel that many more things can be done integrating javascript with sketchup.
Dhruv -
Hey Scott,
I tried converting 2dimensional game into 3d, like ability to go left and right. I did make some changes and it turns left and right, but does not run in that direction.
And yes I changed 3rd person view to 1st person and going forward is up key and backward is down key. So before doing that I basically commented jump sword functions.
Thanks for posting that Scott!
thanks! I wanted this first time I saw it!
unfortunately I'm at work, and they refuse to give me SU7 for a few more weeks... no way we could get an SU6 version, is there?!
AWESOME SCOTT & TODD! Its fantastic, I had no idea this sort of thing was possible in SU. I want to make one! "How?" is a question I'm sure you'll be asked alot more.
I made it run along Y axis as well, it was a little change and assigned J and S for jump and Swordhit respectively. Arrow keys for direction. Ill try and add more features.
Dhruv -
Hey Coen Naninck,
I wanted to do something related to Dynamic components, like when you click on an object/model, it brings to some website. Like lets say I have built a Kawasaki motor bike , when I left click on it brings me to some kawasaki website online.
Will try out though, see if I can come out with this feature. It would be cool to use it in a game.
Dhruv -
Totally amazing
@fletch said:
thanks! I wanted this first time I saw it!
unfortunately I'm at work, and they refuse to give me SU7 for a few more weeks... no way we could get an SU6 version, is there?!
It's pretty simple to make this SU6 compatible. Just save the maps [.skp] as SU6
That's incredible... -
I have a mac running OSX 10.5.5, and for every frame, I encounter the error
TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression value.split) is not object."].
the error pops up first, i have to click enter, then next frame, same error, this repeat over and over, then the knight falls through the floor, screams, and SU messes up. Any idea why? -
Ah, there's a snippet of code in the .rb file that detects if you're on a mac, but it was added back when the mac/su6 had WebDialog errors that are fixed in 7.
I'll need to test on my Mac with SU7 and post a fixed version.
fantastic! thank you so much for posting this game. indeed, a new era is about to begin
Thanks Scott, this is great!!
I'm working on incorporating this into a school project, and I'm wondering if there's a way to load the engine onto any map without it being hardcoded.
IE - if I could download anything from the 3D warehouse, start the Knight plugin and be able to navigate?
Thanks in advance,
Luke J.
@chief1234 said:
I'm wondering if there's a way to load the engine onto any map without it being hardcoded.
Well, you could do one of two things.
- Open one of the .skp files inside Plugins/knightgame and edit the maps directly.
- Open the knightgame.rb file and modify the code to not load in a new model but simply run on top of the current model.
So yeah... it's doable. Let me know if you have specific questions.