Room + box-like things
The floors looking a bit weird, apart from that its up to the usual high standards though
Yeah ... I just slapped some texture on modeled boards. Should've done that with a little more care. Oh well, this was meant as a mere lighting excercise anyway.
"High standards" - hahahaha.
Check this out:
He aint got nothing on you
If I ever want to produce images like his, I'll have to up my game quite seriously. And start to learn another modeling app. (Yes, yes - I do like SU. But ... well, you know.) I don't like the prospect, but I have no choice. Modo, here I come (once again)!
Woe is me!
awesome feel to this... yeah, fix that floor texture to something subtle and on the same color palette and this'll be up there!
A great feel to these! For the last ones are you using an HDRI for lighting? The only crit I have is that there seems to be some bumped striping in the floor that does not go with the flooring texture. For a lighting test these are fantastic.
Nope, no hdr, just sky. As fot the mats, I'm afraid that's my Achilles' heel, at the moment. Will have to work on that.
Your new avatar is far less threatening than the old one.
Cute kid.
Thanks Stinkie! Yep, thats my beautiful daughter (just turned 1). She is very photogenic so it is hard to not use a good shot as my avatar.
great lighting. especially in the second and third image.