My Ruby Questions
looking at the ruby documentation
i noticed there are only some of the commands
i'm trying to find the command to bring the shadow settings dialog box up.
anyone with this info - and if yes..where does one find unlisted actions?
SECOND QUESTION: can i call a script from a custom command (or icon), even if the script is scrambled? say skin and bubble..
Number 10533 will do it (i think)
Check for "shadows here:# 10501; set view to Top # 10502; set view to Front # 10503; set view to Rear # 10504; set view to Left # 10505; set view to Right # 10506; set view to Bottom # 10507; set view to Axonometric # 10510; set render mode to Wire # 10511; set render mode to Hidden lines removal # 10512; set render mode to Surfaces Shading # 10513; set render mode to Transparency # 10519; set camera to ortho (removes perspective) # 10520; walk # 10521; display the System Preferences dialog box (Files tab) # 10522; removes axes display # 10523; pan # 10525; set the interactive eye height feature # 10526; zoom window # 10527; zoom extents # 10529; zoom out 2 # 10531; toggle the Standard toolbar # 10532; toggle the Camera toolbar # 10533; display the Shadows Settings dialog box # 10537; toggle the Views toolbar # 10538; display the System Preferences dialog box (Display tab) # 10545; toggle Color ByLayer # 10546; toggle Shadows toolbar # 10551; toogle Large icons # 10576; toggle Render Mode toolbar # 10596; set Render Mode to No Transparency (Preferences) # 10597; set Render Mode to Wire (Preferences) # 10598; set Render Mode to Transparency (Preferences) # 10599; set Render Mode to Surfaces Shading (Preferences) # 10600; set Render Mode to Texture (Preferences) # 10601; set Render Mode to No Texture (Preferences) # 10602; toggle Shadows # 10603; toggle Profiles # 10604; toggle Extension Lines # 10605; toggle Jitter edges # 21019; Hide Status bar and VCB # 21020; Show Status bar and VCB # 21022; Hide Status bar and VCB # 21023; Display the 3D Text Dialog box # 21024; select the Measure tool # 21031; select the Freehand Draw tool # 21041; select the PushPull tool # 21048; select the Move tool # 21052; hide selected objects # 21056; Create face with selected edges closed loop # 21057; select the Protactor tool # 21060; display Components Window # 21061; toggle Draw toolbar # 21063; toggle Model Bounding Box display # 21065; select the Arc tool # 21067; creat a new Page # 21074; show the Materials Browser Window # 21076; display the Preferences dialog box (Text activated) # 21077; display the Tip of the day Window # 21078; select the Paint Bucket tool # 21080; display the Page Manager Window # 21082; display the Macros Dialog Box ??????????????? # 21086; display the Components Browser Window # 21094; select the Rectangle tool # 21095; select the Polygon tool # 21096; select the Circle tool # 21098; open the Open Window # 21100; select the Offset tool # 21101; slect all objects # 21112; open the Import Window # 21124; launch the validity check tool # 21126; select the Axes tool # 21029; select the Rotate tool # 21032; toggle Layer toolbar # 21036; display the Save as Window # 21037; launch the Web browser and go to @Last home page # 21046; spin the model a full 360ยฐ and display report # 21047; fast Pick Time report (?) # 21049; open the Export model Window # 21169; select the Position Camera tool # 21170; display the Preferences, Tour Guide activated # 21180; create a new Page just right of selected page # 21200; display the Insert Image Window # 21220; display Help Window # 21222; launch the Web browser and go to @Last tutorials page # 21233; display Area of selected face # 21234; display Area of all faces with selected material # 21236; select the Scale tool # 21237; display the Export 2D Graphics Window # 21245; display a Polygon Offset Factors dialog box (?) # 21276; reverse selected face(s) # 21287; select the Divide feature # 21337; select the Section Plane Placement tool # 21354; open the Layer Window # 21386; open the Export Animation Window # 21405; select the Text tool # 21406; display Fog dialog box # 21410; select the Dim tool # 21433; toggle Edit toolbar # 21442; select the FollowMe tool # 21448; select the Axes tool # 21453; select all objects # 21460; display Licence # 21462; display Authorization dialog box # 21463; display un-authorizing message # 21464; display Open Licence files (Network) Window # 21466; display Quick reference Card in Adobe Reader # 21467; display Licences in use dialog box # 21469; zoom extents to selected objects # 21476; perform a non-planar check on selected objects # 21477; List accelerators in window # 21485; Erase selected objects # 21487; display Edit current material dialog box # 21485; Erase all new created pages # 21488; display Entity Info Window # 21490; display Soften Edges Window # 21491; display Profiles # 21492; display Extended Edges # 21493; display Jitter Lines # 21494; select Field of view tool # 21513; display a tree of the model with selectable items !!! # 21520; Override Tile Rendering Size dialog box. # 21525; select the FollowMe tool # 21542; display the Insert Image Window # 21560 and up; Unknown, causes a runtime Error
That's what I've found so far...
@unknownuser said:
where does one find unlisted actions?
I've done a loop in a script which increment action numbers and send them to Sketchup.
Many bug splats occured of course... -
Thanks Didier, will surely be helpful to many..
loop eh? ..and i feel like a genius when i manage to put an icon to a menu!
works beautifully!