Why vote Obama?
@tomsdesk said:
...MSNBC TV...
The first AD aimed at McCain using Palin .... double SLAM.
yeah, slam and dunk!
Good ad...effective and clever.
I Seriously can't read website that can't afford a decent web designer. OMG it hurts my eyes.
From usawakeup.org
"Did you know that Mohamed Atta, the 9/11 ring leader, had a valid Florida driver’s license? Did you know 13 of the 19 hijackers had obtained valid driver’s licenses? Armed with these licenses, eight of the hijackers even registered to vote! Here is the shocking fact: Barack Hussein Obama strongly supports giving illegal aliens in America driver’s licenses."
Very nice link, Baker.
If it were up to me, your *ass would be banned this instant.
That blog is a load of scaremongering BS. I didn't bother reading past the first page. Europe a goner?...ridiculous. Muslims represent about 2.8% of the UK population...hardly surprising given the Imperial past. That hardly amounts to a takeover. That compares with 1.5% in the US (over three times as many in actual numbers).
As for waking up to the call of the muezzin every morning; Edinburgh has the largest mosque in the UK. My son lived round the corner from it for 8 years and never heard a thing...it would probably breach the noise abatement laws for one thing.Typical US neonazi "We're the last bastion of freedom, democracy and white christianity" cr@p, spread by people that have never been outside their own borders.
I notice that the post advised us to follow the links to Obama's Islamic supporters...not Islamic extremist supporters, you'll note. Since when has being a Muslim been a crime in the US?...and are all US citizens who happen to be Muslim now second class citizens...unsuited for executive office? Seems more than a tad racist, not to say fascist, to me.
It's also worth remembering that this is not a US white-supremacist forum, it's an International one based in that most liberal of those pinko European countries, the Netherlands. Quite a few members here might well be Muslim themselves and find such sentiments totally repugnant.
@alan fraser said:
Quite a few members here might well be Muslim themselves and find such sentiments totally repugnant.
Did you came to the defense of Christians on the other threads which denigrated Christianity?
@unknownuser said:
Very nice link, Baker.
If it were up to me, your *ass would be banned this instant.
Why, because you don't agree with him? Free speech is all find a dandy as long you're hearing what you agree with, but as soon as someone disagrees or puts forth a controversial statement......
Why didn't you chastise Tom when he posted that lie of a video showing McCain at a Senate hearing? Or Pete (solo), when he posted that lie of Palin's report card?
EDIT: Barack Hussein Obama does in fact support giving drivers licenses to illegals: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/01/28/MNH1UL57Q.DTL
@bellwells said:
@unknownuser said:
EDIT: Barack Hussein Obama does in fact support giving drivers licenses to illegals: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/01/28/MNH1UL57Q.DTL
Ron, for crying out loud! A child could see that wasn't my point. Why don't you interrupt your one-man rhetorical circle jerk for a bit and read the f*cking quote again, eh?
@unknownuser said:
Did you came to the defense of Christians on the other threads which denigrated Christianity?
No, because no one was suggesting that Christianity was tantamount to being a terrorist.....and before you start making out that I'm some kind of atheistic pinko, Ron, I might add that I was in Church last Sunday morning, as usual. Which is more than can be said for most ignorant right wingers that spread that kind of racist crap. Just get off your high horse and stop being so bloody confrontational.
@unknownuser said:
@bellwells said:
@unknownuser said:
EDIT: Barack Hussein Obama does in fact support giving drivers licenses to illegals: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/01/28/MNH1UL57Q.DTL
Ron, for crying out loud! A child could see that wasn't my point. Why don't you interrupt your one-man rhetorical circle jerk for a bit and read the f*cking quote again, eh?
Touched a nerve, huh? Well why don't you tell me WTF your point was, because it's not obvious.
@bellwells said:
Touched a nerve, huh? Well why don't you tell me WTF your point was, because it's not obvious.
You kidding, Wells?
"Did you know that Mohamed Atta, the 9/11 ring leader, had a valid Florida driver’s license? Did you know 13 of the 19 hijackers had obtained valid driver’s licenses? Armed with these licenses, eight of the hijackers even registered to vote!"
"Here is the shocking fact: Barack Hussein Obama strongly supports giving illegal aliens in America driver’s licenses."
Ergo, Obama sides with terrorists? Is this what upset you so?
Time is running out and desperation has set in, cut the guy a break ... the world is about to end according to his clan.
Talking of clan, I saw a peice today about them and other white supremacist movements that have recently got record new recruits in the wake of the presidency going to a black man. (this country is about to show it's ugly face which it's been hiding for so long).
@alan fraser said:
@unknownuser said:
Did you came to the defense of Christians on the other threads which denigrated Christianity?
No, because no one was suggesting that Christianity was tantamount to being a terrorist.....and before you start making out that I'm some kind of atheistic pinko, Ron, I might add that I was in Church last Sunday morning, as usual. Which is more than can be said for most ignorant right wingers that spread that kind of racist crap. Just get off your high horse and stop being so bloody confrontational.
I will be as confrontational as I see fit and necessary. EDIT: How, on earth, you came to the conclusion I was making you out to be some kind of atheistic pinko is beyond me. Am I to assume you think I'm an ignorant racist right winger? EDIT AGAIN: To clarify, my initial post was not meant to be confrontational, just inquisitive.
@bellwells said:
Ergo, Obama sides with terrorists? Is this what upset you so?
Bingo, Ron. I object to people providing links to this kind of demagogic crap here.
Gotcha. I agree completely.
post content deleted
I edited the post that has caused the blood pressure problem with some of you, now go back to arguing with each other, rather than about me. I don't want to offend anyone and be banned, oh my.