Been hearing about McCain's temper...
Hey, I just fing realised.....this guy used to be fing bald!....F***ing hair plugs, or what?
C'mon Ron, admit it, you like me!
Ron, I merely did this search:'s%20temper%22&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv#
I was shocked at all the news stories from fox, cnn, abc, and others about his posted the direct utube link to the most appalling.Now, I'll have to insist you never speak to me in that manner again.
@tomsdesk said: thought I'd check it out:
I only watched the first two...I really can't believe how disrespectful he is to these women!
Goddamnit Tom, this is bullshit. I actually saw the second interview on TV a few months ago and McCain NEVER cursed...NEVER. WTF are you trying to do here?? This is the height of dishonesty...lying.
You're as bad a Pete with the shit.
Edit: Nor did McCain curse at the Senate hearing.
@tomsdesk said:
Ron, I merely did this search:'s%20temper%22&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv#
I was shocked at all the news stories from fox, cnn, abc, and others about his posted the direct utube link to the most appalling.Now, I'll have to insist you never speak to me in that manner again.
Bullshit. You posted a lie, didn't you? And you didn't care. Am I the only intellectually honest one here?
You make a debate fun.
Well, I went back and looked at several more versions of the airplane video and the one on my first post appears indeed to have been faked, so I assume the assume the other one was too since they look to have been produced in the same manner...oopsy, my bad y'all.
No, Ron, it wasn't fact I am quite embarrassed about it because I do care, otherwise I wouldn't/couldn't rail against the less-than-half-truths I've been hearing all thru this campaign. (I also watched and read quite a bit more, BTW, and it seems he does have a pretty hot temper and a foul mouth to go with it.)
Nonetheless, I don't care how pissed you are: you should cool it.
Tom, thanks for this response, it means a lot. I just get pissed when I see these things. I agree, McCain does have a "less-than-long" fuse.
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Yuckity yuck. When I have time, I'll scour that thar world wide webby thing and see what I can scare up.
I believe he has a temper, but just listening to all the bleeps and having these outrageous words titled-over, made me very doubtful. And no one at the hearing called him on it? He could have been saying, "Excuse me, I have to go to the little boy's room" at the end. Who would know?
I'm certainly no fan of John McCain, but that video is so obviously faked/badly edited, it serves his campaign better than the Democrats'! At one point you clearly hear the start and end of a word that is subtitled as "f*cking" and it neither starts with "f" nor ends with "ng". I think it's safe to say I don't share Ron's political stance, but I completely understand why this topic got his heckles up: blatant lies and faked footage from either side really annoy me too- it's hard enough to discuss and debate different viewpoints and issues without fake "evidence" circulating, undermining the integrity of both of our arguments.