SketchyPhysics 3 Video
Sophistication of the process
Is that version going to include the magnetism thing?
@verrou said:
Is that version going to include the magnetism thing?
Probably just what was in SP2.
The magnets are a complete hack and I need to redo them right.
I see the copy/paste problem seems to be fixed! Is that a particle system I see in there?
also, will there be a way to have a controllable piston where the controller controls how fast it moves along the piston, instead of it's position on it? BTW, in weeks, when do you expect the next sp release to be? (I can't wait 'till I can use it on my mac)
Limited support for cut paste. It has to be a totally self contained model and not connected to any outside joints. You'll be happy to know that full unrestricted cut/paste is already working in SP4.
Thats not really a particle system. Its a demonstration that pressing a key can do an action. In this case the same thing as Shift+Double-Click in SP2.
Do you mean have Accel be the value that changes when a slider moves? It doesn't do that currently. What would you use it for?
I honestly don't know when I will release the first version. It depends on how much time I have to work on it. I planned to have it all figured out before I did an announcement. But then the video leaked....
Oh, my bad
Oh. what i was thinking for accelerating along a slider is so that when using a joystick, you could push it up to raise something, and when you let go, it stays there. it would also mean that there would be a way to control a slider with no 'ends', and with a bit more control. I was thinking of using it in something that works kinda like a claw machine with a joystick (the kinds in arcades). another thing; in the current version, when you have multiple objects connected to a piston, only one of them is controllable, the other works as though it was on a slider. will that issue be fixed?
In SP3 you can do what you describe with a pulley connected to a motor. Look at the pulley example in the video.
I'll into the bug you mentioned. I never noticed it before.
will sketchyphysics 3 joints be able to be controled by buttons on a controller or joystick?
Yes. And mouse and keyboard.
I just can't wait for SP3 !!!
That Looks So Cool. I really liked the volcano/eruption/whatever thing