Rogue's W.I.P's!
Thanks all for the comments. I will try to keep hard at finishing my model asap.
Once again, great job
Here are some pics of a model I made for a tutorial.
@unknownuser said:
Here are some pics of a model I made for a tutorial.
[attachment=2:128q6l92]<!-- ia2 -->Ford Scorpio.jpg<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:128q6l92]
[attachment=1:128q6l92]<!-- ia1 -->Ford Scorpio..jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:128q6l92]
[attachment=0:128q6l92]<!-- ia0 -->Ford Scorpio...jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:128q6l92]good stuff =D
btw, good tutorial
I've never created a car using that technique you show in your video but I enjoyed the tutorial very much and plan on using some of those methods . . . when I finally get to use SketchUp again in a couple of weeks, or so.
Keep up the great work - thank you for the time to publish the video tutorial - awesome!
just had to say (again) Nice Stuff!
Just got myself a permanent account.
Hopefully, I might post new updates once in a while.BTW, I too have been making some wheels after going through this thread again. Although my outlandish designs are nowhere near your realistic ones, I just thought of sharing them with you .
![Here's the latest one I just made. (Note: The lugs look very tiny due to hidden lines and "unsafe" due to not having any housing around it. Currently working on that)](/uploads/imported_attachments/Wvdg_wheel1.png "Here's the latest one I just made. (Note: The lugs look very tiny due to hidden lines and "unsafe" due to not having any housing around it. Currently working on that)")
I would've uploaded the brakes as a separate model ages ago but I don't know what's holding me back from doing it (voices inside my head... ). I just might in the future sometime...
What d'ya think?
nice stuff blank lol
They are looking very good. I am amaized at how much you have actually done and how good they look. I started to use the same tyre and brakes on most of my wheels. Saves me haveingto spend hours fidiling around with a new mesh.
I hope to see more wheels from you.
BTW are you still uploading to the 3dwarehouse, if not, I wish you would.
Yeah, I'm working on some right now. I have entries for FJC and Anton's contests, the Scirocco GT24 (just have the front fascia to work on) and a Nissan ute (SilCamino) which I'm going to upload soon.
Oh....and another wheel. I hope you like it
Here is my 2009 Trojan Cobra WIP. Still looking like a Mustang but now starting to look more like the new GT.
Total re-modeling time: 3 hours (more to come)
Poly count: 10,000
With wheels: 55,000
Estimated Final: 65,000
Tell me what you think -
Funny that the wheels are higher polygon than the car- lol
That Edge wheel looks seriously good. Too bad they didn't save it for a large sedan or the V6 Mustang. It looks tiny on the Edge.
Like I said in the warehouse, the update is coming out well. Worth the wait IMO.
@unknownuser said:
Here is my 2009 Trojan Cobra WIP. Still looking like a Mustang but now starting to look more like the new GT.
2010 mustang?
@unknownuser said:
Here is my 2009 Trojan Cobra WIP. Still looking like a Mustang but now starting to look more like the new GT.
@kdsdesign said:
@unknownuser said:
Here is my 2009 Trojan Cobra WIP. Still looking like a Mustang but now starting to look more like the new GT.
2010 mustang?
Thanks for the comments, its always good having feedback