Rogue's W.I.P's!
Yes I did have a look, it is a bit inaccurate. Ill try to finish the actual model with'n the next few weeks to show you how it looks.
Here are the current wheel options for the sedan, there is one more (known) coming:
Here is another addition to that list. It is from the new FPV GT
@unknownuser said:
Yes I did have a look, it is a bit inaccurate. Ill try to finish the actual model with'n the next few weeks to show you how it looks.
I know how it looks. i was a n00b when i made that LOL
@unknownuser said:
In my spare time I got a little more done
I can only dream of doing work that great. You should be proud of what you do - your stuff actually looks real, exciting, awesome - keep going - make more spare time, we'd all appreciate it, k?
Great stuff
I WISH I had the patience to work on a single car for that long. I've only made 1 car before(VolksWagen Type 181: "Thing"), and it was a pain, so I cut it short, and haven't modeled a car since.
oh my god, i love it.
going to own one before i die.
keep up all the outstanding work guys!
@pav_3j said:
oh my god, i love it.
going to own one before i die.
keep up all the outstanding work guys!
Wait... What did you want to own?
BTW, if you want, I have a sketchyphysics version of the "Thing", but it's controls aren't correct (I gave it 4 wheel steering in the SketchyPhysics version, and it's pretty wobely and has no reverse. I only had about 20 minutes to make it work in sketchyphysics. When SP3 comes out, I'll probably be able to make a better version, as I model on a mac.)'s the normal (not sketchyphysics) version: It's the most complete, and not posted on the warehouse. You can edit it how you like, it's separated into components, and made easy to customize.
That, and like all my models, It has a file size so low it confuses ME.
VW Type 181 "Thing"
(BTW, if you want, you could check out my "some of my stuff..." page. -
Thanks all for the comments. I will try to keep hard at finishing my model asap.
Once again, great job
Here are some pics of a model I made for a tutorial.
@unknownuser said:
Here are some pics of a model I made for a tutorial.
[attachment=2:128q6l92]<!-- ia2 -->Ford Scorpio.jpg<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:128q6l92]
[attachment=1:128q6l92]<!-- ia1 -->Ford Scorpio..jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:128q6l92]
[attachment=0:128q6l92]<!-- ia0 -->Ford Scorpio...jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:128q6l92]good stuff =D
btw, good tutorial
I've never created a car using that technique you show in your video but I enjoyed the tutorial very much and plan on using some of those methods . . . when I finally get to use SketchUp again in a couple of weeks, or so.
Keep up the great work - thank you for the time to publish the video tutorial - awesome!
just had to say (again) Nice Stuff!
Just got myself a permanent account.
Hopefully, I might post new updates once in a while.BTW, I too have been making some wheels after going through this thread again. Although my outlandish designs are nowhere near your realistic ones, I just thought of sharing them with you
I would've uploaded the brakes as a separate model ages ago but I don't know what's holding me back from doing it (voices inside my head...
). I just might in the future sometime...
What d'ya think?
nice stuff blank
They are looking very good. I am amaized at how much you have actually done and how good they look. I started to use the same tyre and brakes on most of my wheels. Saves me haveingto spend hours fidiling around with a new mesh.
I hope to see more wheels from you.
BTW are you still uploading to the 3dwarehouse, if not, I wish you would.