Fantastic tool for woodwork modelers
I was reading the Ruby section forum the other day and came across this post, it is a fantastic tool for creating pieces of wood in one go.
Enter the height and width of the wood and then click click, enter, right click, change to component and you are done.... well nearly you still have to do the joints etc.
I modified the box.rb to create a wood part (with length with & thickness in inches) as a component and name it at the same time.
The ruby script appears to not work in ver 7. I received a error message on load.
@ktkoh said:
I modified the box.rb to create a wood part (with length with & thickness in inches) as a component and name it at the same time.
kthoh, the file you uploaded does not have these changes.
@apodsim said:
The ruby script appears to not work in ver 7. I received a error message on load.
apodsim, welcome to the forum.
What is the error? I'm guessing it has to do with $exStrings. Can you post a shot of the error?
Not sure how to paste a screen shot. The error message box is titled "Load Errors" with text "Error Loading File boxKKversion.rb
undefined method `GetString' for nil:NilClass"Hope this helps.
It does, but this download is peculiar if you are using SU7, and I wouldn't bother with it. All it does is draw a box anyway. It's only of interest for those wanting to learn the basics of writing a plugin for sketchup.
If you're using Pro then you can do what that script does in a Dynamic Component. They're fantastic for woodworking, I can't believe the difference they're making to my workflow.
If you don't have Pro you can still do it, you just need someone with Pro to make the basic box/plank DC first.
Made all my Ruby scripts pretty much redundant!
The boxkkversion.rb needs to be renamed box.rb and replaces the box.rb in the plugins/examples dir to load properly. Sorry that I omitted this important step. This works for ver6.
In ver7 box.rb only works if loaded after SU is loaded and running. I use a script script_loader.rb to do this.
Yes a dynamic component would do this if we can get a pro user to write the component and share it.