[REQ] Select Tools (Inverse & Polyline)
Would it be possible to create a script in ruby that would allow for inverse selection and/or polyline or freehand selection?
Inverse Selection - This would select the inverse of all faces contained within a larger plane. Say for example you have a large plane and you array copy 50 retangles that represent bricks and you want to select and extrude all the bricks at once. With an inverse selection, you could select the space in between and then select inverse without having to select all the bricks individually. (I know this is better accomplished by copying components, but I'm just saying for example's sake.) Is this possible, or is there something out there that does this?
Polyline or Freehand selection - This would allow you to select an area by means other than a rectangle. Similar to the selection tools in Photoshop. Also....would this be possible?
I'm sure maybe some others have suggestions for a more powerful set of select tools as well.
Thanks Pilou and thanks TIG. I missed that then.