Silvershadows eye candy 2 : BLACK HAWK
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
I imagine you'd get even more praise if you demonstrated some humility like the rest of SCF's contributers.
Let him have is 15 minutes of fame Jackson.
He deserves to have more than 15 minutes of fame. Doesn't mean he can start insisting that all the yellow M&Ms are removed and no one is allowed to look him in the eyes though.
If he wants to wear sunglasses at night, that's up to him.
Guys lets stay on topic here, it's about his amazing work not his character.
Sure this is fantastic!Buetifull to see such amazing work with SU, SU is one of the best 3d programs...
And this project shows us its true!! -
Absolutely beautiful work. Thanks so much for sharing this, and for showing the progression in development. Im a newbie, but this really demonstrates what is possible.
chip -
Not much more to say. Thanks again for sharing, especially the process, really helps. Your machine must be a beast!
so rad!
i have a question... between image #6 and #7 of your process - there is a huge jump in level of detail. how did you do it?
again, really inspirational work. sketchup needs someone to really push the boundaries of the app. and show others what it can do!
keep rockin' it!
Posted today and already 4 pages of comments
The detail you put in there is amazing!!! I'm still working to get my skill[z] to eye candy 1 level
... No seriously very good work, love the process images
Big Blasting Silver,
My arrival here this morning is clouded by last nights beer, however the Jack bird hat must come off to you as I squint.
Bring that action, and have a sandwich.
Have a par of sandwiches and a big tall boy... And some ice for a chaser.
Rocking get a bit of pleasure lotions and get lubricated, take the day, and have a killer lay down rest.
Wondering about your experiences with Maxwell...
You use the SU plug in, or export obj to bring that action in...
Did I just hammer that out?
Did I tickle the lettered teeth in such a manner?
Jack bird light it up Mr. SS.
Durant "wondering about flight" Hapke
The system im using is not also a monster of a machine.
dual core 3.4 intel
intel motherboard with 667 ddr ram (2gb)
geforce 8600gt 256mb graphics card
But would love a faster machine to speed up rendering times hee hee -
i understand Coen.(sigh, you guys are really rubbing this in my face)
I did not meant it to sound like that, but merely that im back with another model. no to brag
Between step 6 to 7 i did a lot of work on one file and did not keeptabs on those days that passed, my bad.
About maxwell, i did not set up specail materials in skp, just named them so i can change them once they are in maxwell. I used maxwell studio to work on those textures till im happy and just rendered...the rest is basic photoshop work with the output file.
To all those ive offended, saying what i did not meant to say, ill re think my wods carefully next bad
i'm also upset how you guys reacted about it, making me feel i dont wanna post future candy models. i'm only very passionate about modelling.
I do not go and say whaaaaa im better than you... i do not have a personality problem, just merely want to share something that is really close to my heart and inspire others to push their sketchup the limits -
get a hug Silver and return¡¡¡
but to those who loved this..thanx a lot, it really means a lot to me
madllama : those last 3 images are photomerges. The helicopters are renders, with a little bit of dirt on it put onto photos i have found on the internet -
What astounding work. And thanks for sharing your methods. Please post more.
...I'm speechless.
dont' worry about the criticism. its amazing work! I for one am excited each time you ya, I am very glad you posted and will wait for the next!
More praise indeed, if a bit belated. Hope Google showcases your work.
No worries, Jacques. You can be proud of this, even out loud - hell, I'd be. Well done, and ... keep posting.
Yeah...keep on trucking (posting)!
Thanks for posting your machine specs. I was just getting ready to ask when I read that. It's encouraging to know that you can do really exceptional work w/o a beast of a computer. I'm actually running the same thing except an 8800 graphics card.
How about your file size 30 Mb is a big file but not terribly unreasonable once you get into a lot of detail. Any special tricks on saving space?