Silo Core
Nevercenter released a light-weight version of Silo, Silo Core. That is: Silo without the advanced stuff. The cool part? It's only $ 99! That's € 67 for us Europeans!
have you tried it? how friendly is it?
Hi Edson. Thus far, I've only used Silo (Pro, not Core) "seriously" for bevelling SU components (by using SU's 3DS export). Works dandy.
I have "played" with it, of course, and I must admit that I like it. It's fairly straightforward, and not nearly as intimidating
as, say, modo. (I must add that modo has more features!)I got the whole of september scheduled for diving into Silo (I am planning on using it alongside SU), I'll post my findings when I'm done.
Try the learning version!
EDIT. Little correction: I used obj export, and re-imported into SU as 3DS.
Hey Stinkie,
Silo looks like a nice modeler. I tried it quickly some months ago but never really got into it at the deepest.
One of the things that really interests me about Silo 2.1 is its uv-unwrapping/texturing ability.
If you have the chance to try it, I would be interested to know if it can solve the current SU texturing limits.
(mostly for complexer shapes).Thanks for keeping us updated on this soft.
In due time, Kwist, in due time.
I think silo pro is only 60 dollars or so more, i reckon for the extra UV stuff its easily worth it.
I know, I know. Pro's $159 (€108). Still, there might be people out there who don't need uv mapping, sculpting etc. All in all, both versions (I have Pro) offer quite a lot of functionality for their price. It's amazing, really, what you can get for such a low price! How do they do it?
The price is not the only reason, though, that I like Silo: I have good hopes that even a Cro-Magnon like myself can wrap his head around it.
The thought is there at least, which is more than ome companies can manage.
Yeah. The Nevercenter people seem devoted to developing a sleek, manageable app. Thus far, poking around in Silo has been quite an agreeable experience, due to the app's well-organized UI.
It appears that, at least for now, Silo is not as stable under Vista than is desirable. Some people have been complaining about this on the Silo forum. I too, have thus far experienced a couple of crashes. Shame, but it won't stop me from continueing to use it. At the very least, it's proven to be a very good bevelling solution. Precise and fast, just what I needed in that regard.Workflow:
- build comp in SU
- export as .obj
- import into Silo
- select and bevel edges (loop select - love it)
-save as .3ds - import into SU and run 'remove unused edges' (that a ruby? not sure)
Cut up and copy comp to keep poly's down if possible. Done.