Sketchup to Kerkythea Renders
All, except the first two photos, are rendered unbiased MLT. Even though the process takes longer, the end result is much better.
- can definitely tell the difference between the biased and unbiased... definitely a great job with the city kitchen and living area.
You can definitely see the progression from render to render! They look sweet and welcome to the forums... can't wait to see more!
Great stuff. I really like the last one.
Great to see you here, Calvin..!!
@calvinclawson said:
A little about me. I'm a senior at East Tennessee State University majoring in Interior Design. When first introduced to sketchup less than a year ago, I had no 3d modeling experience, so I am a self taught sketchupper, and now a self taught Kerkythea user.
It's very impressive what you've achieved so quickly...!!
@calvinclawson said:
I've only been working with kerythea and photorealistic rendering for about 3 months
This is perhaps even more impressive..!!
It's an incredible pace you've adapted KT and render techniques..!!
It's an inspiration for others to see your work..!
You have an excellent eye for details..!!Keep up the good work..!
Well done. Really good work.
excellent, especially the last image, maybe that might wish parameters radius shade and you used multipler, to achieve these lights and shadows as real, of course, if not annoying, greetings and thanks
...good works Calvin,thanks!
Well Calvin. You have inspired me to keep on. I've been working with Kerkythea for only a few weeks, and my pace is progressive but slow. Seeing your work will keep me at it. Thanks for posting.
Welcome to the board - nice to see a another interior designer here!
You have a good eye - you should be a fine designer when you graduate. Your work does show a nice progression - Kerky's mlt does take a while, but the output is superb. What kind of lights are you using with Kerky?
Thanks everyone for welcoming me to the forum and for viewing and responding to my post.
To answer your question, Bytor, i've only used the kt point and spot lights (and obviously the sun). I light my scenes minimally and I use false emitters for the cans in certain situations to decrease my render times. I have toggled with IES lights, and actually like using them, but again, they increase the render times. So if I can achieve a decent effect, I just go with the basics. Thanks for your compliments- they're much appreciated.
I don't want school to start tomorrow- i'm not gonna have time to play anymore
Dale, and others who are new- or still learning KT, I can't encourage you enough to visit and start posting your works for feedback and instruction on your renders. The team, and other members there are tremendously supportive- i would have given up after the first day without them !!
Hope all of you have a good week!!!!