How much to charge?
A couple years ago I did a logo for my daughter's Martial Arts school. Her sensei was just starting up his business. He and I studied under the same sensei years ago.
Anyway, I did the logo for him as a barter for a couple month's tuition as well as a few "parent's night out" functions.She has since quit and is doing gymnastics but his business is going strong.
He contacted me recently saying that he charges extra for students getting the logo printed on the backs of their Gi and wants to pay me for the logo. He feels that the barter we did was simply not enough. I did a number of iterations before we came up with the final design so I did put some time into it. However, I have no idea how much something like that is worth.
Any advice would be appreciated.
frak karma, doesn't put food on the table or a Ferrari in the garage, business is business. If he's charging extra then rather make it a percentage of what he charges, be sure to determine what costs and profits are and base your % on that.
my two cents: If you were satisfied with the arrangement before he contacted you, send him a waver letter refusing additional payment (the extra heft in your karma bucket is worth more anyway :`)
You could easily fall between two stools on this one Eric.
A simple yet effective way out is to let him put a price on
what its worth to him! It's a win situation for you and he
will feel he has paid a fair price as he calculated the value
Thanks for the advice gentlemen.
Just tell him to give you what he feels is fair. It's him who has come to you and said he feels you deserve more than you received. If he hadn't come to you you'd have probably thought nothing of it, so let him decide how much he wants to give you.
Personally, I think it's silly of him to be charging extra to have the logo printed on the uniforms. Heck it's free advertising for him when these kids/adults are walking around flashing his logo! Sell T-shirts or other merchandise, sure why not, but not extra on the uniforms. My two cents, which has nothing to do with the question.... LOL
@tomsdesk said:
my two cents: If you were satisfied with the arrangement before he contacted you, send him a waver letter refusing additional payment (the extra heft in your karma bucket is worth more anyway :`)
I agree with you, Tom.