Dirty Renders
having problems with renders: really dirty and noisy. I've tried adjusting the noise threshold and subdivs multipliers, I know this might probably be the solution but I'm guessing someone out there might know how to solve this even better with faster results. Thanks!!!
Please see the link:
http://www.cgarchitect.com/vb/31567-dirty-renders.html -
What rendering software are you using?
Please post the image here or link to a site that I (or anybody else) don't have to register before I can see it.Thanks, I hope we can help.
Here it is. I use VRAY for sketchup
Another quick qestion: I changed the secondary bounce to light cache, my first option being quasi monte carlo, My primary bounce is still IR Map..and it made quite a difference. which one is more advisable? and why?
when I had a go with vray a year ago, I used exactly your last setting - irradiance map and light cash. was somehow a bit faster than quasi monte carlo and produced cleaner results.
I read the manual back then - that is really advisable, you learn a lot (for example when to use which render algorythm
Thanks for uploading the image Tim. I am moving this to the Gallery as you will probably get more attention there.
Nice render BTW!
The QMC it's the most precise algorithm, but noisy as well. I use QMC for product render, and when I render a scene, I use light cache. Of course IM as primary engine. And like mister batman here said, it's the best combination..I don't know why. Jakob, I was trying to be funny, if I'm not, I apologize.
I'm not so good at English humor.
Ooh..Tim, you should project the texture of that cloth material over the bed.NEVER put lights in the back of your camera. The render will look dull, flat.
The render it's good, watch the geometry, watch the texture, and you are fine. The colors and the general mood looking good . -
well, stefanq, I am honoured - no one has called me that before
have you seen "The Dark Knight" already? what a wonderful movie. thats why I changed my avatar from John McClane to Batman (the chin in the photo is my own huge visage by the way)
Thanks..glad you guys liked it..My boss did a lot of the work designing there. Was just the guy to render and cleanup the work. I Just want to produce cleaner results with regards to the shadow without so much render time. That took like 1 hour and 10 mins to render. I don't think we can afford that.
and how'd you find out that there was light behind the camera?
I can't figure out how to clean up the surfaces if you;ve noticed.