Inspirational posters *may offend*
I think string sized boxes are quite sought after.
Yeah Kim, I've really been looking around for a box that is 10' x 9' x 10'. I've found lots of 10'x10'x10, but that one side that is 9' seems to make my box really hard to find. Maybe could you post one of those to the warehouse for me? Thanks!
How you doing aynhow? Its been a while since I've said hi to you!
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted...
these were funny especially the gif one
the myspace one was the best i can't stop laughin
Some top notch stuff here.
I need to set aside some serious viewing time to go through them all!
Thanks for provding some good laughs.Thanks
Mr S
Few more
Not particularly inspirational in any way I understand, but I just love the deranged expression on the cat's face.
@lewiswadsworth said:
[attachment=0:1n3ynahs]<!-- ia0 -->3.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1n3ynahs]
Not particularly inspirational in any way I understand, but I just love the deranged expression on the cat's face.
Well, smrtmeans deathin Croatian. Any combination of that?
It's only a fatuously mispelled version of "s-m-a-r-t" in English, which is the language of the lolcat site.
How do you have words without vowels, anyway?
I'm not Croatian so I don't. But they consider the sound "R" (spelt strongly, not like in English) a kind of a vowel. Krv means blood. Krk is an island and so on. But what about Zmrzlina (ice cream) in Czech/Slovakian/Slovenian?
@unknownuser said:
Well, smrt means death in Croatian. Any combination of that?
I didnt want to be the one pointing this out. That cat looks like it has been run over by a car with the title Death I was searching for an inspirational footnote if there could be one.
Dunno about being run over. It looks like he found a good stash of Haze.