3D PaintBrush
Doesnt work for me either, it worked this morning though
This link one works
But not the links inside -
They never anticipated the rush, we have almost 8000 members here and about the same amount of unregistered lurkers. I remember when I first linked my crappy (microsoft hosted) site months back I got so many hits that it became temporarily unavailable for days and I had nothing as cool to offer.
It seems SCF is the next digg.
'spose we could start selling endorsments? :`)
The link is back up again
Its actually a fun app.
And probably with a bit of tweaking [and reading the manual] could be pretty useful.
That's what we want to hear Stu, FUN
if its not a renderer then what is it? ANd what does it mean by realtime?
Hi Ray,
Its more of a 'painting' application. You can open the .skp
and change the colours /textures and add nice shiny effects
You can see results as you do it, is real timeIf you don't want to download, have a look at the video tuts.
The show the process.Mike
i downloaded it and i saw the effects i just don't like how it doesn't interact with the environment and it also kind of bugs me that i have to add color to each end every group instead of a material by itself
I haven't yet had the time to get stuck into the app, but
that would bug me also. I wonder if there is a way around
@rayochoa said:
i downloaded it and i saw the effects i just don't like how it doesn't interact with the environment and it also kind of bugs me that i have to add color to each end every group instead of a material by itself :evil:
You can apply colors/texture/shaders to any component in the scene. You can also copy/paste materials from anywhere to anywhere in the scene. This also works on selecting a particular group in the Scene panel [including root] and applying the material to the whole model. Hope this answers your question
[DISCLAIMER : I am a part of the [url]3DPaintBrush.com[/url] team. :)) (BTW, thanks to SCF & Mike for giving us a mention)]
pitty that it BSOD on me (it kills the display driver) and I was unable to even start it. anyone tested on 8800GT/Vista ?
Seems to work fine with an NVidia 8800 Ultra so far...but I'm on XP, not Vista.
This is a very promising program.
There's a utility included called "3DSnip" that will capture OpenGL or DirectX rendermeshes displayed currently on the computer in other applications, and then allow them to be opened in this app for rendering, like that 3DVia offering or Ogle. There's no compatible 3D export format with SU, though (OBJ is the closest...you'll need a translator) if you want to bring the captured meshes into SU for editing. It would be nice if this thing could output 3DS files, but it is still a neat little plus. (Incidentally, it will capture GE buildings, but there seem to be some issues with textures that I haven't figured out yet.)
I've also noticed that it will not recognize about 50% of the materials on the SU models I have imported into it...I think it refuses to bring in positioned materials. (EDIT: re-imported the file and this time they appeared? Why not the first time?) It also freaks out if there are too many other graphics apps running...with Firefox, GE, and SU all open at once, the viewport of 3D PaintBrush becomes a choppy mess (and I have 768 MB of VRam available on my NVidia 8800 Ultra--multiple graphical apps are usually not a problem). I'll have to test it more some future time...I've lost patience for the moment.
Another great 3D communication tool that supports SketchUp very well (including textures) is QuadriSpace. You can get a free Personal Edition here:
With this software you can create:
- 3D PDF documents
- Animations
- Complete multiple-page documents
- Word with images and descriptive text
- Interactive 3D Web Pages
- +++